A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
Radar — class, package ardisia.charts.radar |
Radar chart class. |
Radar() — Constructor, class ardisia.charts.radar.Radar |
| |
RadarAxis — class, package ardisia.charts.radar.data |
Data type used to describe a category axis for the Radar class. |
RadarSeries — class, package ardisia.charts.radar.data |
Data type used to describe a series for the Radar class. |
RadarSkin — class, package ardisia.charts.radar.themes.spark.skins |
| |
RadarSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.charts.radar.themes.spark.skins.RadarSkin |
| Constructor. |
radialAxes — Property, class ardisia.charts.radar.Radar |
An array of RadarAxis objects that describe the radial (category)
axes. |
radialAxisLabelFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.charts.radar.themes.spark.skins.RadarSkin |
| |
radialAxisLabelFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.charts.radar.Radar |
| Creates and displays the labels for the categories or the radial axes. Displayed at the ends of each respective axis. |
Creates and displays the labels for the categories or the radial axes. |
radialAxisLabelsOffset — Property, class ardisia.charts.radar.Radar |
The number of pixels to offset the axis labels radially from the ends of
the category axes. |
radialAxisStrokeAlpha — Style, class ardisia.charts.radar.Radar |
| The alpha of the radial axis stroke. |
| |
radialAxisStrokeColor — Style, class ardisia.charts.radar.Radar |
| The color of the stroke used to draw the axis lines. |
| |
radialAxisStrokeThickness — Style, class ardisia.charts.radar.Radar |
| The thickness of the radial axis stroke. |
| |
RadialGauge — class, package ardisia.components.gauges |
Radial gauge that supports labels, tick marks, and start and end angles. |
RadialGaugeSkin — class, package ardisia.components.gauges.themes.spark.skins |
| |
RadialGaugeSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.gauges.themes.spark.skins.RadialGaugeSkin |
| Constructor. |
radioButtonHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.popups.ColorSpacePickerPopup |
| |
RadioButtonSkin — class, package ardisia.themes.london.skins |
| |
RadioButtonSkin — class, package ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins |
| |
RadioButtonSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.RadioButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
RadioButtonSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.RadioButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
radius — Property, class ardisia.components.gauges.RadialGauge |
Radius of the arc swept out by the gauge. |
radiusX — Property, class ardisia.layouts.CarouselLayout |
The radius of the carousel along the x axis. |
radiusY — Property, class ardisia.layouts.CarouselLayout |
The radius of the carousel along the y axis. |
radiusZ — Property, class ardisia.layouts.CarouselLayout |
The radius of the carousel along the z axis. |
randomTokenLength — Property, class ardisia.components.captcha.CaptchaVisual |
The number of characters for randomly generated tokens. |
rangeDragEnd — Event, class ardisia.components.gauges.LinearGaugeBase |
Dispatched at the end of a range button drag. |
RANGE_DRAG_END — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.gauges.events.GaugeEvent |
| |
rangeDragging — Event, class ardisia.components.gauges.LinearGaugeBase |
Dispatched during range button dragging. |
RANGE_DRAGGING — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.gauges.events.GaugeEvent |
| |
rangeDragStart — Event, class ardisia.components.gauges.LinearGaugeBase |
Dispatched at the beginning of range button drag. |
RANGE_DRAG_START — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.gauges.events.GaugeEvent |
| |
rangeMaximum — Property, class ardisia.components.colorizer.GradientColorizer |
Defines the maximum value of the range. |
rangeMinimum — Property, class ardisia.components.colorizer.GradientColorizer |
Defines the minimum value of the range. |
rangeThumbFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.gauges.themes.london.skins.HLinearGaugeSkin |
| |
rangeThumbFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.gauges.themes.london.skins.VLinearGaugeSkin |
| |
rangeThumbFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.gauges.themes.spark.skins.HLinearGaugeSkin |
| |
rangeThumbFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.gauges.themes.spark.skins.VLinearGaugeSkin |
| |
rangeThumbFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.gauges.themes.stockholm.skins.HLinearGaugeSkin |
| |
rangeThumbFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.gauges.themes.stockholm.skins.VLinearGaugeSkin |
| |
rangeThumbFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.gauges.LinearGaugeBase |
| Factory that creates the optional, draggable, button that fills the range between the thumb buttons. Only exists if there are multiple thumbs and if the "showRange" property is true. |
Factory that creates the optional, draggable, button that fills the range
between the thumb buttons. |
rangeThumbInstanceHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.gauges.HLinearGauge |
Handles events on the rangeThumb instance. |
rangeThumbInstanceHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.gauges.LinearGaugeBase |
| |
Rating — class, package ardisia.components.rating |
Provides a customizable rating control. |
RatingEvent — class, package ardisia.components.rating.events |
Custom event for the Rating class. |
RatingEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class ardisia.components.rating.events.RatingEvent |
| |
RatingSkin — class, package ardisia.components.rating.themes.spark.skins |
| |
RatingSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.rating.themes.spark.skins.RatingSkin |
| Constructor. |
ratio — Property, class ardisia.bitmapAdjustments.dataTypes.ThresholdData |
Ratio at which to apply to color. |
ratio — Property, class ardisia.components.colorizer.data.GradientColorizerData |
The ratio at which to apply the defined color. |
rDate — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.dataTypes.SchedulingData |
This property defines an array of Date objects for recurring events. |
rDateGenerator() — Static Method , class ardisia.scheduling.iCalendarRecurrence.iCalendarRecurrence |
Generates dates using the "rDate" property. |
readVEventProperty(newSchedulingData:ardisia.scheduling.dataTypes:SchedulingData, line:String, timeZones:Array) — Static Method , class ardisia.scheduling.iCalendarParser.iCalendarParser |
Decodes a property line contained within a VEVENT and updates the
passed SchedulingData object. |
readyToAnimate — Event, class ardisia.components.pane.Pane |
Dispatched right before an animate in animation runs. |
READY_TO_ANIMATE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.pane.events.PaneEvent |
| |
rect — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.skins.CalendarSkin |
| border and background |
RECTANGLE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.bitmapAdjustments.PixelateTypes |
| |
RECTANGLE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.BitmapLassoShapes |
| |
RECTANGLE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditorVectorTypes |
| |
recurIconCls — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.itemRenderers.ColumnItemRenderer |
Icon class used to indicate that the renderer represents data created by
calender recurrence. |
recurIconCls — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.itemRenderers.GridItemRenderer |
Icon class used to indicate that the renderer represents data created by
calender recurrence. |
redo() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Redo the state that was undone. |
redo() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Redo the last undone change to state. |
redoBtnPart — Property, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.themes.spark.skins.RichTextEditorSkin |
| |
redoBtnPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
| Button that redos the last text operation. |
Button that redos the last text operation. |
redoBtnPartHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Handles events for the redo button skin part. |
_redoStates — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
| |
reflectedElement — Property, class ardisia.components.reflectionContainer.ReflectionContainer |
The element to create a reflection of. |
ReflectionContainer — class, package ardisia.components.reflectionContainer |
Applies a reflection to any component that implements IBitmapDrawable. |
refresh() — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Set flag to refresh the item renderers on the next layout pass. |
refreshPositions() — method, class ardisia.components.packedList.PackedList |
Call to refresh the positions of the layout elements. |
refreshPositions() — method, class ardisia.layouts.PackedLayout |
Call to refresh the positions of the layout elements. |
region — Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassMinimizedRegion |
The region's string description of the cardinal region represented. |
region — Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.events.CompassContainerEvent |
Region associated with the event. |
region — Property, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.TopLevelDropTarget |
The region the drop target represents. |
regionClose — Event, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainer |
Dispatched when a region is closed. |
REGION_CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.events.CompassContainerEvent |
| |
regionCloseRequest — Event, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassRegionContainer |
Dispatched when a region's close button part is clicked. |
REGION_CLOSE_REQUEST — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.events.CompassContainerEvent |
| |
regionContainerFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.themes.london.skins.CompassContainerSkin |
| |
regionContainerFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.themes.spark.skins.CompassContainerSkin |
| |
regionContainerFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.themes.stockholm.skins.CompassContainerSkin |
| |
regionContainerFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainer |
| Factory that creates the region containers. |
Factory that creates the region containers. |
RegionDropTarget — class, package ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer |
Drop target indicator for the docking regions. |
regionDropTargetFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.themes.london.skins.DockingCompassContainerSkin |
| |
regionDropTargetFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.themes.spark.skins.DockingCompassContainerSkin |
| |
regionDropTargetFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.themes.stockholm.skins.DockingCompassContainerSkin |
| |
regionDropTargetFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.DockingCompassContainer |
| Creates elements that function as drop targets for a CompassRegionContainer. |
Creates elements that function as drop targets for a
CompassRegionContainer. |
regionDropTargetInstance — Property, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.DockingCompassContainer |
| |
regionEventHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainer |
Handles events. |
regionHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainer |
Handles events on the region. |
regionID — Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassRegionContainer |
A unique string used to track this region. |
regionInitialized — Event, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainer |
Dispatched when a region is initialized and added to the CompassContainer. |
REGION_INITIALIZED — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.events.CompassContainerEvent |
| |
regionMinimizeChange — Event, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainer |
Dispatched when a region's minimization state changes. |
REGION_MINIMIZE_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.events.CompassContainerEvent |
| |
registerCursor(name:String, hotSpot:flash.geom:Point, assets:Array, frameRate:uint) — Static Method , class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
Register a cursor for use. |
remove() — method, class ardisia.components.magnifier.Magnifier |
Remove the magnifier and the displacement effect from the passed target. |
removeAllCursors() — Static Method , class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
Removes all set cursors from the cursorList. |
removeAllDynamicParts(factory:String) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Remove all instances of the passed dynamic part factory. |
removeAllDynamicParts(factory:String) — method, class ardisia.components.transformContainer.TransformContainer |
Remove all instances of the passed dynamic part factory. |
removeAllGraphicObjects() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Remove all the graphicObjects from the canvas. |
removeBusyHandlers(sysManager:mx.managers:ISystemManager) — Static Method , class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
Remove the mouse event listeners for the busy cursor. |
removeButton(index:int) — method, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.ButtonBarBase |
Use this method to remove a button via animation. |
removeContextHandlers() — Static Method , class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
Remove listeners for the context menu. |
removeCursor() — method, class ardisia.components.captcha.CaptchaAudio |
Remove the busy cursor. |
removeCursor() — method, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPicker |
Remove the custom cursor. |
removeCursor(name:String, priority:uint, removeAll:Boolean) — Static Method , class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
Remove the most recent cursor matching the provided name and priority. |
removeCursorGroup() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Remove the fake cursor. |
removeCursorGroup(groupName:String) — method, class ardisia.components.transformContainer.TransformContainer |
Remove the cursor group. |
removeFakeCursor() — Static Method , class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
Remove the fake cursor and all associated listeners. |
removeFlyoutLabel() — method, class ardisia.components.iconButton.IconButton |
Call to immediately remove the flyout label. |
removeFormatting() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Removes the formatting applied to the selected text. |
removeFromStore(item:ardisia.scheduling.dataTypes:SchedulingData) — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Removes a SchedulingData object and any associated StoreData objects
from the local store. |
removeGraphicObject(graphicObject:ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.baseClasses:GraphicObjectBase) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Remove the passed graphicObject
removeGroup(group:String) — Static Method , class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
Remove all the cursors with the specified group token. |
removeIframe() — method, class ardisia.components.htmlFrame.HtmlFrame |
Remove the iframe. |
removeListeners() — method, class ardisia.components.flexContextMenu.FlexContextMenu |
Removes any listeners added when the menu was popped up. |
removeMinimizedGroup(minimizedRegion:ardisia.components.compassContainer:CompassMinimizedRegion) — method, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainer |
Remove the minimized region display element. |
removeOverflowPopup() — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Remove the overflowPopup (if exists). |
removeRegion(region:String) — method, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainer |
Remove the passed region. |
removeRegionDropTargets() — method, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.DockingCompassContainer |
Remove the region drop target instance. |
removeSelectedGraphicObjects() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Remove all the selected graphicObjects from the canvas. |
removeSelectedGrouping() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Remove any grouping on the selected graphicObjects. |
removeTopLevelDropTargets() — method, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.DockingCompassContainer |
Remove the top level drop targets. |
removeTransparentBorder(graphicObject:ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.graphicObjects:BitmapGraphicObject) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Trim the transparent border for the passed BitmapGraphicObject. |
removeTransparentBorderForAllBitmapGraphicObjectGraphicObjects() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Trim the transparent border for all the BitmapGraphicObject(s). |
removeTriggers() — method, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPicker |
Remove popup trigger listeners. |
renderer — Property, class ardisia.charts.treeMap.events.TreeMapEvent |
The item renderer attached to the event. |
renderer — Property, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.data.ButtonBarButtonData |
The renderer or button. |
renderer — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.events.CalendarEvent |
The renderer that triggered the event. |
rendererAddHandler(event:spark.events:RendererExistenceEvent) — method, class ardisia.components.rating.Rating |
Add mouse listeners to renderers as they are added. |
rendererContainer — Property, interface ardisia.scheduling.calendar.interfaces.IGridOverflowPopup |
Pseudo skin part that the host will add the item renderers to. |
rendererHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.ButtonBarBase |
Handles events on the renderers. |
rendererHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.wheelList.WheelList |
Adds relevant listeners to each renderer. |
rendererRemoveHandler(event:spark.events:RendererExistenceEvent) — method, class ardisia.components.rating.Rating |
Remove mouse listeners from renderers as they are removed. |
reorderDepths() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Reorder the depths of the GraphicObject(s) from 0 to max. |
requireSelection — Property, class ardisia.components.timePicker.TimePicker |
Whether the field must have a selectionMinutes value that is not -1;
NO_SELECTION is not allowed. |
resetRecurrenceData(data:ardisia.scheduling.dataTypes:SchedulingData) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.SchedulingUtils |
Convenience method to reset all recurrence properties to defaults. |
resetState — Property, class ardisia.supportClasses.BasicItemRenderer |
Flag that triggers a state update at the next screen update. |
resizeAxis — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
For resize dragging, stores the axis (E.G., the start or end depending
on the direction of resize) in minutes. |
RESIZE_CALLBACK — Property, class ardisia.components.htmlFrame.HtmlFrame |
| |
resizeCursorFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.themes.spark.skins.GraphicsEditorSkin |
| can not exceed 32 pixels square including filter |
resizeCursorFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.transformContainer.themes.spark.skins.TransformContainerSkin |
| can not exceed 32 pixels square including filter |
resizeCursorFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
| Cursor to use for resize operations. Skin part to facilitate vector drawing for a better rotated appearance over a bitmap cursor. The hotspot is assumed to be in the center of the skin part. Will be displayed by the Ardisia CursorManager class. |
Cursor to use for resize operations. |
resizeCursorFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.transformContainer.TransformContainer |
| Cursor to use for resize operations. Skin part to facilitate vector drawing for a better rotated appearance over a bitmap cursor. The hotspot is assumed to be in the center of the skin part. Will be displayed by the CursorManager class. |
Cursor to use for resize operations. |
resizeHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainer |
Handles the MouseEvents dispatched by resizing drags. |
resizeHandler() — Static Method , class ardisia.components.htmlFrame.HtmlFrame |
Called by javascript code after the html frame window fires its 'resize'
event. |
resizeLassoHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.TimebarContainer |
Handles events for the resize lasso skin part. |
resizeLeftButton — Property, interface ardisia.components.timebarContainer.interfaces.ITimebarContainerSelectionLasso |
| |
resizeLeftPart — Property, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.themes.london.skins.TimebarContainerHScrollBarSkin |
| |
resizeLeftPart — Property, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.themes.spark.skins.TimebarContainerHScrollBarSkin |
| |
resizeLeftPart — Property, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.themes.stockholm.skins.TimebarContainerHScrollBarSkin |
| |
resizeLeftPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.TimebarContainerHScrollBar |
| Resize button on the left of the thumb. |
Resize button on the left of the thumb. |
resizeRegionHeight — Style, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainerBase |
| Height of the divider button for horizontal dividers. |
| |
resizeRegionWidth — Style, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainerBase |
| Width of the divider button for vertical dividers. |
| |
resizeRightButton — Property, interface ardisia.components.timebarContainer.interfaces.ITimebarContainerSelectionLasso |
| |
resizeRightPart — Property, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.themes.london.skins.TimebarContainerHScrollBarSkin |
| |
resizeRightPart — Property, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.themes.spark.skins.TimebarContainerHScrollBarSkin |
| |
resizeRightPart — Property, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.themes.stockholm.skins.TimebarContainerHScrollBarSkin |
| |
resizeRightPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.TimebarContainerHScrollBar |
| Resize button on the right of the thumb. |
Resize button on the right of the thumb. |
resizeThreshold — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.Pane |
The threshold within the outer boundaries of the transformRegionPart
that will trigger a pane resize, rather than a drag. |
resizeThreshold — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
The number of pixels from the edges of the renderer in the column
display modes that a resize cursor will be displayed and a resize
operation will start on mousedown. |
resolution — Property, class ardisia.components.barCode.BarCode |
Resolution to draw data in the bar code. |
_resolution — Property, class ardisia.components.colorSpacePicker.SpectrumBase |
| |
resolution — Property, class ardisia.components.colorSpacePicker.SpectrumBase |
| |
resolution — Property, class ardisia.components.packedList.PackedList |
The maximum number of passes allowed to minimize renderer overlap. |
resolution — Property, class ardisia.layouts.PackedLayout |
The maximum number of passes allowed to minimize renderer overlap. |
restoreButtonPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassMinimizedRegion |
| Used to restore the minimized compass region. |
Used to restore the minimized compass region. |
restoreButtonPartHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassMinimizedRegion |
Handles events on the restore button part. |
restorePane(pane:ardisia.components.pane:Pane) — method, class ardisia.components.floatPaneControlBar.FloatPaneControlBar |
Restore a pane. |
restoreRectangle — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.Pane |
The rectangle that describes the measurements and layout for a pane
before it is maximized or minimized in the coordinate space of the pane's
systemManager. |
restoreRegionRequest — Event, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassMinimizedRegion |
Dispatched when the restore button part is clicked. |
RESTORE_REGION_REQUEST — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.events.CompassContainerEvent |
| |
restoreState(redo:Boolean) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Update the editor state. |
retrieveIndex(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class ardisia.scheduling.datePicker.DatePicker |
Retrieve the index moused. |
returnDayName(dayNum:Number) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.SchedulingUtils |
Returns a preferred string for the name of the week based on the Date
day property. |
returnMonthName(monthNum:Number) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.SchedulingUtils |
Returns a preferred string for the name of the month based on the Date
month property. |
returnOrder(dayNum:Number) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.SchedulingUtils |
Returns a preferred string for the order of the day in the week based on
the Date day property. |
returnSortedIndex(item:ardisia.scheduling.calendar.dataTypes:StoreData) — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Returns what index the StoreData object should be inserted into the
local store to keep the local store sorted. |
rgbB — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.popups.ColorSpacePickerPopup |
| |
rgbBSlider — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.popups.ColorSpacePickerPopup |
| |
rgbBStepper — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.popups.ColorSpacePickerPopup |
| |
rgbG — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.popups.ColorSpacePickerPopup |
| |
rgbGSlider — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.popups.ColorSpacePickerPopup |
| |
rgbGStepper — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.popups.ColorSpacePickerPopup |
| |
rgbR — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.popups.ColorSpacePickerPopup |
| |
rgbRSlider — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.popups.ColorSpacePickerPopup |
| |
rgbRStepper — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.popups.ColorSpacePickerPopup |
| |
RichTextEditor — class, package ardisia.components.richTextEditor |
Toolbar editor designed to manage the Text Layout Framework ("TLF") for
RichEditableText based controls. |
RichTextEditorSkin — class, package ardisia.components.richTextEditor.themes.spark.skins |
| |
RichTextEditorSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.themes.spark.skins.RichTextEditorSkin |
| Constructor. |
RIGHT — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.iconButton.FlyoutDirections |
| |
rightFillA — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.TabBarButtonSkin |
| |
rightFillB — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.TabBarButtonSkin |
| |
rightPadding — Style, class ardisia.components.menuBar.MenuBarItem |
| Padding between the right border and the label. |
| |
ringSeparation — Property, class ardisia.charts.donut.Donut |
Separation in pixels between different rings. |
RotaryField — class, package ardisia.components.rotaryField |
Field used to select an angle from 0 to 360 degrees. |
RotaryFieldEvent — class, package ardisia.components.rotaryField.events |
Custom events for the RotaryField class. |
RotaryFieldEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class ardisia.components.rotaryField.events.RotaryFieldEvent |
| |
RotaryFieldSkin — class, package ardisia.components.rotaryField.themes.london.skins |
| |
RotaryFieldSkin — class, package ardisia.components.rotaryField.themes.spark.skins |
| |
RotaryFieldSkin — class, package ardisia.components.rotaryField.themes.stockholm.skins |
| |
RotaryFieldSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.rotaryField.themes.london.skins.RotaryFieldSkin |
| Constructor. |
RotaryFieldSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.rotaryField.themes.spark.skins.RotaryFieldSkin |
| Constructor. |
RotaryFieldSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.rotaryField.themes.stockholm.skins.RotaryFieldSkin |
| Constructor. |
ROTATE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.dataTypes.CompassQuadrant |
| |
ROTATE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.DefaultCursors |
| |
rotateCursor — Style, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
| Embedded graphics class for the cursor used to rotate graphic objects. |
| |
rotateCursor — Style, class ardisia.components.transformContainer.TransformContainer |
| Embedded graphics class for the cursor used to rotate layers. |
| |
rotateCursor — Style, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
| Embedded graphics class for the rotate cursor. |
| |
rotateCursorHotspot — Style, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
| The hot spot for the rotate cursor. |
| |
rotateCursorHotspot — Style, class ardisia.components.transformContainer.TransformContainer |
| The hot spot for the rotate cursor. |
| |
rotateCursorHotspot — Style, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
| The hot spot for the rotate cursor. |
| |
rotateSelectedGraphicObjects(angle:Number) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Rotate the selected graphicObjects by the passed angle. |
rotationX — Property, class ardisia.layouts.CarouselLayout |
The x rotation to apply to the elements. |
rotationX — Property, class ardisia.layouts.CoverflowLayout |
The x rotation to apply to the elements, except for the centered
renderer. |
rotationX — Property, class ardisia.layouts.TimeMachineLayout |
The x rotation to apply to the elements. |
rotationY — Property, class ardisia.layouts.CarouselLayout |
The y rotation to apply to the elements. |
rotationY — Property, class ardisia.layouts.CoverflowLayout |
The y rotation to apply to the non-centered elements in the coverflow. |
rotationY — Property, class ardisia.layouts.TimeMachineLayout |
The y rotation to apply to the elements. |
rotationZ — Property, class ardisia.layouts.CarouselLayout |
The z rotation to apply to the elements. |
rotationZ — Property, class ardisia.layouts.CoverflowLayout |
The z rotation to apply to all of the elements, except for the centered
renderer. |
rotationZ — Property, class ardisia.layouts.TimeMachineLayout |
The z rotation to apply to all of the elements. |
row — Property, class ardisia.components.timeline.dataTypes.StoreData |
Row index to display the underlying renderer representing this data. |
row — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.dataTypes.StoreData |
The row the renderer is displayed within. |
row1 — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.FormHeadingSkin |
| |
row1 — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.FormItemSkin |
| |
row1 — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.FormHeadingSkin |
| |
row1 — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.FormItemSkin |
| |
rowCount — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
The number of rows to display. |
rowGap — Property, class ardisia.components.timeline.Timeline |
The number of pixels between each row. |
rowHeight — Property, class ardisia.components.timeline.Timeline |
The height in pixels of each row of item renderers. |
ROW_RESIZE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.DefaultCursors |
| |
rowResizeCursor — Style, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
| Embedded graphics class for the row resize cursor. |
| |
rowResizeCursorHotspot — Style, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
| The hot spot for the row resize cursor. |
| |
rows — Property, class ardisia.components.animatedImage.AnimatedBitmap |
The number of rows of frames in the spritesheet. |
rows — Property, class ardisia.components.animatedImage.AnimatedImage |
The number of rows of frames in the spritesheet. |
rowSeparator — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.london.skins.HeatmapSkin |
| |
rowSeparator — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.spark.skins.HeatmapSkin |
| |
rowSeparator — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.stockholm.skins.HeatmapSkin |
| |
runFilters(dt:Date) — Static Method , class ardisia.scheduling.iCalendarRecurrence.iCalendarRecurrence |
Runs the flagged filters and returns whether the date was filtered
out of the recurrence set. |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |