Package | ardisia.scheduling.dataTypes |
Class | public class SchedulingData |
Inheritance | SchedulingData Object |
Note, a single SchedulingData object can define an infinite number of events if the object is a "recurring" object without a "count" or "until" property set. It is important to recognize that multiple items may reference the same SchedulingData object.
See the iCalendar spec for more details on recurrence.
Property | Defined By | ||
allDay : Boolean
Whether or not the object is an "all day" event. | SchedulingData | ||
byDay : Array
Defines what day(s) of the week the recurrence rule applies to. | SchedulingData | ||
byMonth : Array
The byMonth rule part specifies an array of months of the year. | SchedulingData | ||
byMonthDay : Array
The byMonthDay rule part specifies an array of days of the month. | SchedulingData | ||
bySetPos : Array
The bySetPos rule part specifies a multidimensional array of values
that corresponds to the nth occurrence within the set of recurrence
instances specified by the rule. | SchedulingData | ||
byWeekNo : Array
The byWeekNo rule part specifies an array of ordinals specifying weeks
of the year. | SchedulingData | ||
byYearDay : Array
The byYearDay rule part specifies an array of days of the year. | SchedulingData | ||
calendar : CalendarDefinitionData
A reference to the optional CalendarDefinitionData object associated
with this object. | SchedulingData | ||
count : int
The count rule part defines the number of occurrences at which to
range-bound the recurrence. | SchedulingData | ||
created : Date
This property specifies the Date when this object was created. | SchedulingData | ||
description : String
This property provides a more complete description of the object than
"summary". | SchedulingData | ||
dtEnd : Date
This property specifies a Date object for when the event ends. | SchedulingData | ||
dtStart : Date
This property specifies a Date object for when the event begins. | SchedulingData | ||
exDate : Array
This property defines the list of Date object exceptions for recurring
events. | SchedulingData | ||
freq : String
The freq rule part identifies the type of recurrence rule. | SchedulingData | ||
interval : int = 1
The interval rule part contains a positive integer representing how
often the recurrence rule repeats. | SchedulingData | ||
lastModified : Date
The property specifies a Date for when the information associated with
the calendar component was last revised. | SchedulingData | ||
location : String
The property defines the intended venue for the event. | SchedulingData | ||
rDate : Array
This property defines an array of Date objects for recurring events. | SchedulingData | ||
sequence : int = 0
This property defines the revision sequence number for the event. | SchedulingData | ||
summary : String
This property defines a short summary or subject for the event. | SchedulingData | ||
uid : String
This property defines the persistent, globally unique identifier for the
object. | SchedulingData | ||
uidPrefix : String = flexSchedulingData@ [static]
When a specific uid is not specified in the constructor, this prefix is
appended to a random uid created by Flex's UIDUtil.createUID function. | SchedulingData | ||
until : Date
The until rule part defines a Date object which bounds the recurrence
rule in an inclusive manner. | SchedulingData | ||
wkst : int = 1
The wkst rule part specifies the day on which the workweek starts. | SchedulingData |
Method | Defined By | ||
SchedulingData(uid:String = null)
If a uid is not provided, a uid will be randomly generated. | SchedulingData |
Constant | Defined By | ||
FREQ_DAILY : String = daily [static] | SchedulingData | ||
FREQ_MONTHLY : String = monthly [static] | SchedulingData | ||
FREQ_WEEKLY : String = weekly [static] | SchedulingData | ||
FREQ_YEARLY : String = yearly [static] | SchedulingData |
allDay | property |
public var allDay:Boolean
Whether or not the object is an "all day" event. Strangely, this isn't part of the iCalendar spec.
The default value is false
byDay | property |
public var byDay:Array
Defines what day(s) of the week the recurrence rule applies to.
The byDay rule part specifies a multidimensional array of days of the week; 0 indicates Sunday; 1 indicates Monday; 2 indicates Tuesday; 3 indicates Wednesday; 4 indicates Thursday; 5 indicates Friday; and 6 indicates Saturday.
Each byDay value can also be preceded by an array element of positive (+n) or negative (-n) integer. If present, this indicates the nth occurrence of a specific day within the monthly or yearly "rRule".
E.G. [ [nth, dayNum], [nth, dayNum], [nth, dayNum] ]. For example, [ [1, 0] ] means the first (1) sunday (0) in the rRule. [ [5, 2], [-1, 3] ] means that the fifth (5) tuesday (2) in the rRule and the last (-1) wednesday (3) in the rRule. A simple [ [null, 1], [null, 2] ], means all mondays and tuesdays, but be sure to set the position element to null.
The default value is null
byMonth | property |
public var byMonth:Array
The byMonth rule part specifies an array of months of the year. Valid values for months are 0 to 11.
E.G. [ [monthNum], [monthNum], [monthNum] ]
The default value is null
byMonthDay | property |
public var byMonthDay:Array
The byMonthDay rule part specifies an array of days of the month. Valid values are 1 to 31 or -31 to -1. For example, -10 represents the tenth to the last day of the month.
The byMonthDay rule part must not be specified when the freq rule part is set to weekly.
E.G. [ [monthDayNum], [monthDayNum], [monthDayNum] ]
The default value is null
bySetPos | property |
public var bySetPos:Array
The bySetPos rule part specifies a multidimensional array of values that corresponds to the nth occurrence within the set of recurrence instances specified by the rule. bySetPos operates on a set of recurrence instances in one interval of the recurrence rule. For example, in a weekly rule, the interval would be one week a set of recurrence instances starting at the beginning of the interval defined by the freq rule part. Valid values are 1 to 366 or -366 to -1. It must only be used in conjunction with another byxxx rule part.
For example "the last work day of the month" could be represented as: freq=monthly;byDay=1,2,3,4,5;bySetPos=-1
Each bySetPos value can include a positive (+n) or negative (-n) integer. If present, this indicates the nth occurrence of the specific occurrence within the set of occurrences specified by the rule.
The default value is null
byWeekNo | property |
public var byWeekNo:Array
The byWeekNo rule part specifies an array of ordinals specifying weeks of the year. Valid values are 1 to 53 or -53 to -1. This corresponds to weeks according to week numbering as defined in [ISO.8601.2004]. A week is defined as a seven day period, starting on the day of the week defined to be the week start (see wkst).
Week number one of the calendar year is the first week that contains at least four (4) days in that calendar year.
This rule part must not be used when the freq rule part is set to anything other than yearly. For example, 3 represents the third week of the year.
The default value is null
byYearDay | property |
public var byYearDay:Array
The byYearDay rule part specifies an array of days of the year. Valid values are 1 to 366 or -366 to -1. For example, -1 represents the last day of the year (December 31st) and -306 represents the 306th to the last day of the year (March 1st). The byYearDay rule part must not be specified when the freq rule part is set to daily, weekly, or monthly.
E.G. [ [yearDay], [yearDay], [yearDay] ]
The default value is null
calendar | property |
public var calendar:CalendarDefinitionData
A reference to the optional CalendarDefinitionData object associated with this object. E.G., this property references the object that defines the calendar that this event is associated with. "Work", "Personal", etc.
The default value is null
count | property |
public var count:int
The count rule part defines the number of occurrences at which to range-bound the recurrence. The "dtStart" property value, if specified, counts as the first occurrence.
The default value is 0
created | property |
public var created:Date
This property specifies the Date when this object was created. This property is analogous to the creation date and time for a file in the file system.
The default value is null
description | property |
public var description:String
This property provides a more complete description of the object than "summary".
The default value is ""
dtEnd | property |
public var dtEnd:Date
This property specifies a Date object for when the event ends.
The default value is null
dtStart | property |
public var dtStart:Date
This property specifies a Date object for when the event begins.
The default value is null
exDate | property |
public var exDate:Array
This property defines the list of Date object exceptions for recurring events. Use when a particular date should be deleted from a recurrence set.
The default value is null
freq | property |
public var freq:String
The freq rule part identifies the type of recurrence rule. This rule part must be specified for all recurrence rules, except those defined by the "rDate" property.
Set this property and "rDate" to "null" to skip recurrence.
daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly are the only valid values.
The default value is ""
interval | property |
public var interval:int = 1
The interval rule part contains a positive integer representing how often the recurrence rule repeats.
The default value is 1
lastModified | property |
public var lastModified:Date
The property specifies a Date for when the information associated with the calendar component was last revised.
This is analogous to the modification date and time for a file in the file system.
The default value is null
location | property |
public var location:String
The property defines the intended venue for the event.
The default value is ""
rDate | property |
public var rDate:Array
This property defines an array of Date objects for recurring events.
Instead of using frequency rules, this type of recurrence just lists the specific dates for the event to recur.
Set this property and "freq" to "null" to skip recurrence.
The default value is null
sequence | property |
public var sequence:int = 0
This property defines the revision sequence number for the event. In other words, how many times this object's properties have been changed.
The default value is 0
summary | property |
public var summary:String
This property defines a short summary or subject for the event.
The default value is ""
uid | property |
public var uid:String
This property defines the persistent, globally unique identifier for the object. See the constructor's notes for more details.
The default value is ""
uidPrefix | property |
public static var uidPrefix:String = flexSchedulingData@
When a specific uid is not specified in the constructor, this prefix is appended to a random uid created by Flex's UIDUtil.createUID function.
Useful to be sure the uid is truly unique everywhere. Change the prefix to your organization's name for specific UIDs.
The default value is "flexSchedulingData"
until | property |
public var until:Date
The until rule part defines a Date object which bounds the recurrence rule in an inclusive manner. If the value specified by until is synchronized with the specified recurrence, this date becomes the last instance of the recurrence.
If not present, and the count rule part is also not present, the rRule is considered to repeat forever.
The default value is null
wkst | property |
public var wkst:int = 1
The wkst rule part specifies the day on which the workweek starts. Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 0. This is significant when a weekly rRule has an interval greater than 1, and a byDay rule part is specified. This is also significant when in a yearly rRule when a byWeekNo rule part is specified. The default value is 1 (monday).
The default value is 1
SchedulingData | () | Constructor |
public function SchedulingData(uid:String = null)
If a uid is not provided, a uid will be randomly generated. The uid must be unique and persistent to the entire world. This is necessary because if the SchedulingData objects are exported as a iCalendar text stream, it is necessary that no uid collisions will occur.
By default, all random uids are generated by Flex's UIDUtil.createUID function and have the defined "uidPrefix" property appended to them.
Parametersuid:String (default = null ) — A unique String that will be the new object's unique id.
FREQ_DAILY | Constant |
public static const FREQ_DAILY:String = daily
FREQ_MONTHLY | Constant |
public static const FREQ_MONTHLY:String = monthly
FREQ_WEEKLY | Constant |
public static const FREQ_WEEKLY:String = weekly
FREQ_YEARLY | Constant |
public static const FREQ_YEARLY:String = yearly