A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
calcNeedleAngles() — method, class ardisia.components.clocks.ClockAnalog |
Calculate the angles at which to display the needles. |
calculateAxesMinMax() — method, class ardisia.charts.radar.Radar |
Return the minimum and maximum of all the axes. |
calculateButtonPart — Property, class ardisia.components.calculator.themes.spark.skins.CalculatorSkin |
| |
calculateButtonPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.calculator.Calculator |
| Optional skin part button that when clicked, will evaluate the current expression. |
Optional skin part button that when clicked, will evaluate the
current expression. |
calculateButtonPartHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.calculator.Calculator |
Handles events on the calculateButtonPart. |
calculateWordCount() — method, class ardisia.components.autoFitText.AutoFitFTETextField |
Determines the number of words in the "text" property string. |
calculateWordCount() — method, class ardisia.components.autoFitText.AutoFitLabel |
Determines the number of words in the "text" property string. |
calculateWordCount() — method, class ardisia.components.autoFitText.AutoFitRichText |
Determines the number of words in the "text" property string. |
calculator — Property, class ardisia.components.calculator.CalculatorGridEditor |
| |
Calculator — class, package ardisia.components.calculator |
Simple Calculator class that evaluates simple expressions. |
CalculatorEvent — class, package ardisia.components.calculator.events |
Custom event for the Calculator class. |
CalculatorEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class ardisia.components.calculator.events.CalculatorEvent |
| |
CalculatorGridEditor — class, package ardisia.components.calculator |
| |
CalculatorGridEditor() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.calculator.CalculatorGridEditor |
| Constructor. |
CalculatorGridEditorButtonSkin — class, package ardisia.components.calculator.themes.london.skins |
| |
CalculatorGridEditorButtonSkin — class, package ardisia.components.calculator.themes.spark.skins |
| |
CalculatorGridEditorButtonSkin — class, package ardisia.components.calculator.themes.stockholm.skins |
| |
CalculatorGridEditorButtonSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.calculator.themes.london.skins.CalculatorGridEditorButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
CalculatorGridEditorButtonSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.calculator.themes.spark.skins.CalculatorGridEditorButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
CalculatorGridEditorButtonSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.calculator.themes.stockholm.skins.CalculatorGridEditorButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
CalculatorOperators — class, package ardisia.components.calculator |
The possible operators for the Calculator class. |
CalculatorSkin — class, package ardisia.components.calculator.themes.spark.skins |
| |
CalculatorSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.calculator.themes.spark.skins.CalculatorSkin |
| Constructor. |
calendar — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.dataTypes.CalendarPeriod |
Calendar the period applies too. |
calendar — Property, interface ardisia.scheduling.calendar.interfaces.IGridRenderer |
| |
calendar — Property, interface ardisia.scheduling.calendar.interfaces.ISubColumnLabel |
| |
calendar — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.itemRenderers.GridItemRenderer |
| |
calendar — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.dataTypes.SchedulingData |
A reference to the optional CalendarDefinitionData object associated
with this object. |
Calendar — class, package ardisia.scheduling.calendar |
The Calendar component displays calendar data in one of 3 display modes:
"column", "grid", and "columnAndAllDayGrid". |
calendarDefinition — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.dataTypes.iCalendarData |
The calendar definition. |
CalendarDefinitionData — class, package ardisia.scheduling.dataTypes |
Defines the objects used to describe specific user calendars. |
CalendarDisplayModes — class, package ardisia.scheduling.calendar |
Display modes available for the Calendar class. |
CalendarEvent — class, package ardisia.scheduling.calendar.events |
Custom event for the Calendar class. |
CalendarEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, schedulingData:ardisia.scheduling.dataTypes:SchedulingData, renderer:Object, dtStart:Date, dtEnd:Date) — Constructor, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.events.CalendarEvent |
| |
CalendarPeriod — class, package ardisia.scheduling.calendar.dataTypes |
Defines a period of time for the Calendar class. |
CalendarPeriod(begin:Date, end:Date, allDay:Boolean, calendar:ardisia.scheduling.dataTypes:CalendarDefinitionData) — Constructor, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.dataTypes.CalendarPeriod |
| |
CalendarSkin — class, package ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.skins |
| |
CalendarSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.skins.CalendarSkin |
| Constructor. |
callFrameFunction(functionName:String, params:Array) — method, class ardisia.components.htmlFrame.HtmlFrame |
Call the named function on the frame. |
callQueuedFunctions() — method, class ardisia.components.htmlFrame.HtmlFrame |
Call all the queued functions and reset the queue. |
canBeClosed — Property, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.ButtonBarButton |
If true, can be closed via the close icon. |
canBeClosed — Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassRegionContainer |
True to allow this region to be closed via mouse interaction. |
canBeDocked — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.Pane |
True to allow the pane to docked to a PaneNavigator when dragged over. |
canBeFloated — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.Pane |
Whether the pane can be floated. |
canBeMinimized — Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassRegionContainer |
True to allow the container to be minimized via mouse interaction. |
canBeResized — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.Pane |
True to allow the pane to be resized via mouse interaction while floated. |
CanvasBackground — class, package ardisia.components.graphicsEditor |
Handles the background for the canvas. |
canvasBackgroundColor — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
The background color for the canvas. |
canvasBackgroundColor — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.dataTypes.EditorState |
| |
canvasBackgroundPart — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.themes.spark.skins.GraphicsEditorSkin |
| |
canvasBackgroundPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
| Draws the background for the canvas. Can display a transparent pattern. Will not be captured when graphic object bitmapData is extracted. |
Draws the background for the canvas. |
canvasHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Handles events on the canvas used for selected time period dragging for
all display modes. |
canvasHeight — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.dataTypes.EditorState |
| |
canvasPart — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.themes.spark.skins.GraphicsEditorSkin |
| |
canvasPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
| Container for the graphic objects. Will be used to extract the canvas bitmapData. Can be zoomed. |
Container for the graphic objects. |
canvasWidth — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.dataTypes.EditorState |
| |
CaptchaAudio — class, package ardisia.components.captcha |
Simple class used to convert a captcha string to speech. |
CaptchaAudioEvent — class, package ardisia.components.captcha.events |
Custom event for the CaptchaAudio class. |
CaptchaAudioEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class ardisia.components.captcha.events.CaptchaAudioEvent |
| |
CaptchaVisual — class, package ardisia.components.captcha |
Visual component that displays CAPTCHA text. |
CaptchaVisualEvent — class, package ardisia.components.captcha.events |
Custom event for the CaptchaVisual class. |
CaptchaVisualEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class ardisia.components.captcha.events.CaptchaVisualEvent |
| |
CaptchaVisualSkin — class, package ardisia.components.captcha.themes.spark.skins |
| |
CaptchaVisualSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.captcha.themes.spark.skins.CaptchaVisualSkin |
| Constructor. |
captureLasso(object:ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.graphicObjects:BitmapGraphicObject, lassoBitmap:flash.display:BitmapData) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Capture the bitmapData stored inside the bitmap lasso. |
caretIndicator — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.london.skins.HeatmapSkin |
| only cell selection is highlighted via the caret |
caretIndicator — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.spark.skins.HeatmapSkin |
| |
caretIndicator — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.stockholm.skins.HeatmapSkin |
| only cell selection is highlighted via the caret |
caretIndicator — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.DataGridSkin |
| |
caretIndicator — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.DataGridSkin |
| |
CarouselLayout — class, package ardisia.layouts |
Lays out elements in a carousel pattern. |
CarouselList — class, package ardisia.components.carouselList |
List optimized for use with the CarouselList class. |
CarouselListSkin — class, package ardisia.components.carouselList.themes.spark.skins |
| |
CarouselListSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.carouselList.themes.spark.skins.CarouselListSkin |
| Constructor. |
categories — Property, class ardisia.charts.donut.Donut |
A vector of the field(s) on the data that defines the category value(s). |
categoryField — Property, class ardisia.charts.donut.data.DonutCategory |
The property name on the data to pull the data for this category. |
categoryField — Property, class ardisia.charts.radar.data.RadarAxis |
The property name on the data to pull the series data for this axis. |
categoryIndex — Property, class ardisia.charts.donut.DonutRenderer |
Index of the category the renderer represents. |
cbshad — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.TitleWindowCloseButtonSkin |
| define the inner shadow. |
center() — method, class ardisia.components.pane.Pane |
Call to center the pane. |
CENTER — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.dataTypes.CompassQuadrant |
| |
centerBackgroundColor — Style, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainerBase |
| Color of the background for the center region. |
| |
centerBorderAlpha — Style, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainerBase |
| Alpha of the border for the center region. |
| |
centerBorderColor — Style, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainerBase |
| Color of the border for the center region. |
| |
centerBorderVisible — Style, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainerBase |
| True to display a border around the center region. |
| |
centerContent — Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainerBase |
Array of MXML content to add to the center region. |
centerIndex(index:int) — method, class ardisia.components.carouselList.CarouselList |
Center the renderer in the layout. |
centerIndex(index:int) — method, class ardisia.components.coverflowList.CoverflowList |
Center the renderer in the layout. |
centerIndex(index:int) — method, class ardisia.components.timeMachineList.TimeMachineList |
Center the renderer in the layout. |
centerLayoutCircle(radius:Number) — method, class ardisia.charts.radar.Radar |
Used to find the center of the circle that sweeps the n-sided polygon. |
centerOffsetX — Property, class ardisia.layouts.CarouselLayout |
The offset from the center of the carousel in the x direction. |
centerOffsetX — Property, class ardisia.layouts.TimeMachineLayout |
The horizontal offset from the center at which the elements are
displayed. |
centerOffsetY — Property, class ardisia.layouts.CarouselLayout |
The offset from the center of the carousel in the y direction. |
centerOffsetY — Property, class ardisia.layouts.CoverflowLayout |
The vertical offset from the center where the renderers are displayed. |
centerOffsetY — Property, class ardisia.layouts.TimeMachineLayout |
The vertical offset from the center at which the elements are displayed. |
centerPin — Property, class ardisia.components.clocks.ClockAnalog |
The center pin. |
centerPinColor — Style, class ardisia.components.clocks.ClockAnalog |
| The color of the center pin. |
| |
centerRegionInstance — Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainerBase |
| |
centerRegionTitle — Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainerBase |
The title to display in the header for the center region if the header
is displayed. |
change — Event, class ardisia.components.calculator.Calculator |
Dispatched when the "value" property changes via user interaction. |
change — Event, class ardisia.components.captcha.CaptchaVisual |
Dispatched when the displayed captcha token has changed. |
change — Event, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPicker |
Dispatched when the "selectedColor" property changes due to user
interaction. |
change — Event, class ardisia.components.colorSpacePicker.ColorSpacePicker |
Dispatched when the "selectedColor" property changes due to user
interaction. |
change — Event, class ardisia.components.colorizer.DiscreteColorizer |
Dispatched when the "dataProvider" property changes. |
change — Event, class ardisia.components.colorizer.GradientColorizer |
Dispatched when the "dataProvider" property changes. |
change — Event, class ardisia.components.expandingContainer.ExpandingContainer |
Dispatched when the component's "open" property changes. |
change — Event, class ardisia.components.rating.Rating |
Dispatched when the committed value changes due to user interaction. |
change — Event, class ardisia.components.rotaryField.RotaryField |
Dispatched when the "value" property changes due to user interaction. |
change — Event, class ardisia.components.sliderField.SliderField |
Dispatched when the "value" property changes due to user interaction. |
change — Event, class ardisia.components.timeline.Timeline |
Dispatched the selectedItem changes via user interaction. |
change — Event, class ardisia.components.transformContainer.TransformContainer |
Dispatched when the selection changes. |
change — Event, class ardisia.components.viewStack.ViewStack |
Dispatched when the selectedChild changes. |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.calculator.events.CalculatorEvent |
| |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.captcha.events.CaptchaVisualEvent |
| |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.events.ColorPickerEvent |
| |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.colorSpacePicker.events.ColorSpacePickerEvent |
| |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.colorizer.events.ColorizerEvent |
| |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.expandingContainer.events.ExpandingContainerEvent |
| |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.rating.events.RatingEvent |
| |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.rotaryField.events.RotaryFieldEvent |
| |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.sliderField.events.SliderFieldEvent |
| |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.timeline.events.TimelineEvent |
| |
CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.transformContainer.events.TransformContainerEvent |
| |
changeAfterParagraph() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Change the indent after paragraphs. |
changeAutoKern() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Changes the kerning for the selected text. |
changeBeforeParagraph() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Change the indent before a paragraph. |
changeColor() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Change the color for the selected text. |
changeFont() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Change the font for the selected text. |
changeFontSize() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Change the font for the selected text. |
changeFontWeight() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Change the font weight for the selected text. |
changeIndent(increment:Boolean) — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Changes the textline indent. |
changeItalic() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Change the italic state for the selected text. |
changeLetterSpacing() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Changes the letter spacing for the selected text. |
changeLineHeight() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Changes the line height for the selected text. |
changeLink(createLink:Boolean) — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Changes the hyperlinks applied to the selected text. |
changeList(type:String) — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Add/remove lists. |
changeParagraphIndent() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Change the paragraph indent. |
changeScroll — Event, class ardisia.components.miniViewport.MiniViewport |
Dispatched when the user updates the viewport's scroll positions via mouse
interaction using this component. |
CHANGE_SCROLL — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.miniViewport.events.MiniViewportEvent |
| |
changeSelectedObjectsDepths(forward:Boolean, max:Boolean) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Change the depth for the selected graphic objects (z index). |
changeStrikeThrough() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Change the strikethrough state for the selected text. |
changeTextAlignment(alignment:String) — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Change the text alignment state for the selected text. |
changeUnderline() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Change the underline state for the selected text. |
changing — Event, class ardisia.components.viewStack.ViewStack |
Dispatched when the selectedChild is about to change. |
charsToSpeech(text:String) — method, class ardisia.components.captcha.CaptchaAudio |
Convert the characters in the passed string to speech. |
chart — Property, class ardisia.charts.legend.Legend |
The chart to create a legend for. |
ChartBase — class, package ardisia.charts.baseClasses |
Base class for certain Ardisia chart classes. |
ChartEvent — class, package ardisia.charts.events |
Custom event for the Chart classes. |
ChartEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class ardisia.charts.events.ChartEvent |
| |
checkAngle(value:Number) — method, class ardisia.components.gauges.RadialGauge |
Checks that the passed angle is between 0 and 360 and if not, returns
the normalized value
checkAutoScroll() — method, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.TimebarContainer |
Checks if the mouse is within the autoscroll threshold during drag
operations. |
CheckBoxSkin — class, package ardisia.themes.london.skins |
| |
CheckBoxSkin — class, package ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins |
| |
CheckBoxSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.CheckBoxSkin |
| Constructor. |
CheckBoxSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.CheckBoxSkin |
| Constructor. |
checkDock(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class ardisia.components.pane.Pane |
Check if hovering over any PaneNavigatorBase controls. |
checkEmptySet() — method, class ardisia.components.autoComplete.AutoComplete |
Sets the visibility of the emptySet label. |
Checkerboard — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.BitmapLasso |
| |
checkForAutoScroll() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Checks if the mouse is within the autoscroll threshold during drag
operations. |
checkForAutoScroll() — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Checks if the mouse is within the autoscroll threshold during drag
operations. |
checkForShortCircuit(dt:Date) — Static Method , class ardisia.scheduling.iCalendarRecurrence.iCalendarRecurrence |
Checks if the generators should short circuit and quit. |
checkLassoSelection() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Called continuously when the selection lasso is dragging to detect
the selected graphicObjects. |
checkMenuHitTest(menu:mx.controls:Menu, event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class ardisia.components.flexContextMenu.FlexContextMenu |
Recursive function that iterates over all the menus and checks if the
passed mouseEvent occurred within any of the menus. |
CHECK_TEST_ID_CALLBACK — Property, class ardisia.browser.SafariMouseWheelFix |
| |
CHECK_TEST_ID_CALLBACK — Property, class ardisia.components.htmlFrame.HtmlFrame |
| |
childNodes — Property, class ardisia.charts.treeMap.data.TreeMapData |
The child nodes (if any) array of TreeMapData objects
chrome — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.SkinnablePopUpContainerSkin |
| |
chromeFill — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.london.skins.ColorPickerSkin |
| |
chromeFill — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.themes.london.skins.PaneSkin |
| |
chromeFill — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.themes.spark.skins.PaneSkin |
| |
chromeFill — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.themes.stockholm.skins.PaneSkin |
| |
chromeFill — Property, class ardisia.components.progressDisplay.themes.london.skins.ProgressDisplayDeterminateSkin |
| |
chromeFill — Property, class ardisia.components.progressDisplay.themes.london.skins.ProgressDisplayIndeterminateSkin |
| |
chromeFill — Property, class ardisia.components.sliderField.themes.london.skins.SliderFieldVSliderSkin |
| |
CIRCLE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.bitmapAdjustments.PixelateTypes |
| |
CIRCLE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.BrushShapes |
| |
CirclesBusyCursor — Dynamic Class, package ardisia.managers.cursorManager.assets.cursors.animated |
Creates the asset array for an animated busy cursor for the CursorManager
class. |
CirclesBusyCursor() — Constructor, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.assets.cursors.animated.CirclesBusyCursor |
| |
clear — Event, class ardisia.components.autoComplete.AutoComplete |
Dispatched when the optional clear button part is clicked. |
clear() — method, class ardisia.components.calculator.Calculator |
Call to clear the value and display label. |
clear — Event, class ardisia.components.textInput.TextInput |
Dispatched when the optional clear button part is clicked and the text
is cleared. |
CLEAR — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.textInput.events.TextInputEvent |
| |
clearAutoScroll() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Clears the auto scrolling timer. |
clearAutoScroll() — method, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.TimebarContainer |
Clears the auto scrolling timer. |
clearAutoScroll() — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Clears the auto scrolling timer. |
clearBtnPart — Property, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.themes.spark.skins.RichTextEditorSkin |
| |
clearBtnPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
| Button that clears the formatting for the selected text. |
Button that clears the formatting for the selected text. |
clearBtnPartHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Handles events for the clear formatting skin part. |
clearButtonPart — Property, class ardisia.components.calculator.themes.spark.skins.CalculatorSkin |
| |
clearButtonPart — Property, class ardisia.components.textInput.themes.spark.skins.TextInputSkin |
| |
clearButtonPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.calculator.Calculator |
| Optional skin part button that when clicked, will clear the expression. |
Optional skin part button that when clicked, will clear the expression. |
clearButtonPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.textInput.TextInput |
| Displays a button that when clicked will clear the text value. |
Displays a button that when clicked will clear the text value. |
clearButtonPartHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.calculator.Calculator |
Handles events on the clearButtonPart. |
clearButtonPartHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.textInput.TextInput |
Handles events on the clear button skin part. |
clearHover() — method, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.TimebarContainer |
Clears the hover property on all item renderers for the time intervals. |
clearLassos() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Clears all lassos. |
clearSelection() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Clear selection. |
clearSelection() — method, class ardisia.components.transformContainer.TransformContainer |
Clear out the selected elements and updates selection. |
ClockAnalog — class, package ardisia.components.clocks |
An analog clock. |
ClockBase — class, package ardisia.components.clocks |
Base class for the ClockAnalog and ClockDigital classes. |
ClockBase() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.clocks.ClockBase |
| |
ClockDigital — class, package ardisia.components.clocks |
A simple digital clock. |
ClockEvent — class, package ardisia.components.clocks.events |
Custom event for the ClockDigital and ClockAnalog classes. |
ClockEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class ardisia.components.clocks.events.ClockEvent |
| |
clockStart — Event, class ardisia.components.clocks.ClockBase |
Dispatched when the clock starts running. |
CLOCK_START — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.clocks.events.ClockEvent |
| |
clockStop — Event, class ardisia.components.clocks.ClockBase |
Dispatched when the clock stops running. |
CLOCK_STOP — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.clocks.events.ClockEvent |
| |
clone() — method, class ardisia.charts.events.ChartEvent |
Necessary for re-dispatching to work. |
clone() — method, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.data.ButtonBarButtonData |
Returns a clone of the object instance. |
clone() — method, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.events.CompassContainerEvent |
Necessary for re-dispatching to work. |
clone() — method, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.events.DockingCompassContainerEvent |
Necessary for re-dispatching to work. |
clone() — method, class ardisia.components.floatPaneControlBar.events.FloatPaneControlBarEvent |
Necessary for re-dispatching to work. |
clone() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.baseClasses.GraphicObjectBase |
Create a clone of the graphic object. |
clone() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.events.GraphicsEditorEvent |
Necessary for re-dispatching to work. |
clone() — method, class ardisia.components.htmlGeolocation.events.HtmlGeolocationErrorEvent |
Necessary for re-dispatching to work. |
clone() — method, class ardisia.components.htmlGeolocation.events.HtmlGeolocationEvent |
Necessary for re-dispatching to work. |
clone() — method, class ardisia.components.pane.events.PaneEvent |
Necessary for re-dispatching to work. |
clone() — method, class ardisia.components.paneNavigators.events.PaneNavigatorEvent |
Necessary for re-dispatching to work. |
clone() — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.events.CalendarEvent |
Necessary for re-dispatching to work. |
clone(source:Object) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.ObjectUtils |
Copies an object as a ByteArray. |
cloneSchedulingData(item:ardisia.scheduling.dataTypes:SchedulingData) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.SchedulingUtils |
Creates an exact copy of a SchedulingData object. |
closableField — Property, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.ButtonBarBase |
The field on the data to look for a boolean value if the button can be
closed by clicking the close button skin part. |
close — Event, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPicker |
Dispatched when the popup part is closed. |
close() — method, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPicker |
Called when the popup should be closed. |
close — Event, class ardisia.components.popUpButton.PopUpButton |
Dispatched when the popup is closed. |
close() — method, class ardisia.components.popUpButton.PopUpButton |
Closes the popup. |
close(closeImmediately:Boolean) — method, class ardisia.components.progressDisplay.baseClasses.ProgressDisplayBase |
Un-float and remove the tracker. |
close — Event, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.supportClasses.CreateLinkGroupBase |
Dispatched when the CreateLinkGroup is closed and not committed. |
close — Event, class ardisia.components.rotaryField.RotaryField |
Dispatched when the rotary wheel is closed (hidden). |
close — Event, class ardisia.components.sliderField.SliderField |
Dispatched when the slider is closed (hidden). |
— Skin State, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassRegionContainer |
| |
| |
CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.events.ColorPickerEvent |
| |
CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.popUpButton.events.PopUpButtonEvent |
| |
CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.rotaryField.events.RotaryFieldEvent |
| |
CLOSE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.sliderField.events.SliderFieldEvent |
| |
closeButton — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.TitleWindowSkin |
| |
closeButtonClick — Event, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.ButtonBarBase |
Dispatched when a ButtonBarButton's closeButtonPart is clicked. |
closeButtonClick — Event, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.ButtonBarButton |
Dispatched when the closeButtonPart is clicked. |
CLOSE_BUTTON_CLICK — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.events.ButtonBarEvent |
| |
closeButtonPart — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.themes.london.skins.PaneSkin |
| |
closeButtonPart — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.themes.spark.skins.PaneSkin |
| |
closeButtonPart — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.themes.stockholm.skins.PaneSkin |
| |
closeButtonPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.ButtonBarButton |
| Optional skin part used to dispatch a "closeButtonDown" event. |
Optional skin part used to dispatch a "closeButtonDown" event. |
closeButtonPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassRegionContainer |
| Optional button used to close the region. If the "canBeClosed" property is false, and this skin part is displayed, it will be disabled, hidden, and removed from layout. |
Optional button used to close the region. |
closeButtonPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.pane.Pane |
| Optional button used to close the pane. Typically displayed when floating. If the "displayCloseButton" property is false, and this skin part is displayed, it will be disabled, hidden, and removed from layout. |
Optional button used to close the pane. |
closeButtonPartHandler(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.ButtonBarButton |
Handles events for the close button skin part. |
closeButtonPartHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassRegionContainer |
Handles events on the close button part. |
closeButtonPartHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.pane.Pane |
Handles events for the close button. |
closeContainer() — method, class ardisia.components.expandingContainer.ExpandingContainer |
Immediately close the component (if open). |
closeCreateLinkPanel() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Close the create link skin part. |
closed — Event, class ardisia.components.pane.Pane |
Dispatched when a floated pane is closed. |
CLOSED — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.pane.events.PaneEvent |
| |
closeDisplay() — method, class ardisia.components.progressDisplay.baseClasses.ProgressDisplayBase |
Close the tracker. |
closeFloatedPane(skipTransition:Boolean) — method, class ardisia.components.pane.Pane |
If the pane is floated, will be closed and unfloated. |
closeFloatRegion() — method, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainer |
Close a floated region. |
closeOnActivity — Property, class ardisia.components.popUpButton.PopUpButton |
If true, the popup will be closed when mouse/resize activity occurs
that is not related to the popup. |
closeSlider(commit:Boolean) — method, class ardisia.components.sliderField.SliderField |
Hides the slider and dispatches the "close" event. |
closeWheel() — method, class ardisia.components.rotaryField.RotaryField |
Hides the wheel and dispatches the "close" event. |
Codabar — class, package ardisia.components.barCode.specifications |
See Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codabar
Older standard that typically only represents numeric data, but can
represent a few letters and symbols, but the standard doesn't represent
non-numeric data in the body.
Because Codabar is self-checking, most standards do not define a check
digit. |
CODABAR — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.barCode.BarCodeTypes |
| |
Code128 — class, package ardisia.components.barCode.specifications |
See http://www.azalea.com/faq.html/code-128/#Q3 for a good explanation (and
Code set A - alphanumeric data with uppercase letters only and
non-typeable control codes.
Code set B - alphanumeric data with upper/lowercase letters, numeric, and
If a code set is not specified, the output will default to a Code set B
output. |
CODE128_A — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.barCode.BarCodeTypes |
| |
CODE128_B — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.barCode.BarCodeTypes |
| |
Code39 — class, package ardisia.components.barCode.specifications |
wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_39
Spec includes 43 characters, A through Z, 0 through 9, and special
characters. |
CODE39 — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.barCode.BarCodeTypes |
| |
Code93 — class, package ardisia.components.barCode.specifications |
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_93
Code 93 is designed to encode 26 upper case letters, 10 digits and 7
special characters. |
CODE93 — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.barCode.BarCodeTypes |
| |
collapsed — Event, class ardisia.components.expandingContainer.ExpandingContainer |
Dispatched when the component contracts, or closes, via user interaction. |
collapsed — Property, class ardisia.components.timeline.dataTypes.TimelineSeries |
True to if the series renderers are collapsed and not visible. |
collapsed — Property, interface ardisia.components.timeline.interfaces.ITimelineSeriesLabelRenderer |
| |
COLLAPSED — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.expandingContainer.events.ExpandingContainerEvent |
| |
collapsible — Property, class ardisia.components.fieldSet.FieldSet |
If true, the fieldset can be collapsed. |
collection — Property, class ardisia.charts.legend.Legend |
Collection used internally. |
collection — Property, class ardisia.components.rating.Rating |
Collection used to populate the internal dataProvider. |
collectionChangeHandler(event:mx.events:CollectionEvent) — method, class ardisia.charts.sparklines.SparklineBase |
Handles the collection events on the dataProvider. |
color — Property, class ardisia.bitmapAdjustments.dataTypes.ThresholdData |
Color to apply. |
color — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.itemRenderers.DefaultHeatmapDataColumnRenderer |
Color to display. |
color — Property, class ardisia.charts.legend.LegendRenderer |
Color of the associated series data in the chart. |
color — Property, class ardisia.charts.radar.data.RadarSeries |
The color used for the series. |
color — Property, interface ardisia.charts.radar.interfaces.IRadarSeriesItemRenderer |
The color to use. |
color — Property, class ardisia.charts.treeMap.data.TreeMapData |
The node's color. |
_color — Property, class ardisia.components.colorSpacePicker.SpectrumBase |
| |
color — Property, class ardisia.components.colorSpacePicker.SpectrumBase |
The color used to define colors in the spectrum, when relevant. |
color — Property, class ardisia.components.colorizer.data.DiscreteColorizerData |
The color defined by the range. |
color — Property, class ardisia.components.colorizer.data.GradientColorizerData |
The color defined at the defined ratio. |
color — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.dataTypes.CalendarDefinitionData |
The color used to represent the calendar
colorField — Property, class ardisia.charts.baseClasses.ChartBase |
Field name on the data to pull the node's color. |
colorField — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPicker |
Name of the field in the dataProvider that specifies the hex color
values to display in the palette. |
colorFillPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.charts.legend.LegendRenderer |
| Displays the color. |
Displays the color. |
colorFormatFunction — Property, class ardisia.charts.baseClasses.ChartBase |
User provided function that returns the color for the series when
passed the series data object. |
colorizer — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.HeatmapDataColumn |
The colorizer to use for data in this column. |
ColorizerEvent — class, package ardisia.components.colorizer.events |
Custom event for the Colorizer classes. |
ColorizerEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class ardisia.components.colorizer.events.ColorizerEvent |
| |
colorMode — Static Property, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
The default color mode to use for the default cursors that have both a
black and white version. |
ColorPicker — class, package ardisia.components.colorPicker |
Spark version of the halo color picker. |
ColorPickerEvent — class, package ardisia.components.colorPicker.events |
Custom event for the Ardisia ColorPicker class. |
ColorPickerEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.events.ColorPickerEvent |
| |
colorPickerPart — Property, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.themes.spark.skins.RichTextEditorSkin |
| |
colorPickerPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
| ColorPicker that changes the text color property. |
ColorPicker that changes the text color property. |
colorPickerPartHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Handles events for the color picker skin part. |
ColorPickerRenderer — class, package ardisia.components.colorPicker |
Draws the color palette using the provided dataProvider. |
ColorPickerSelectedFill — class, package ardisia.components.colorPicker |
Displays the passed color or an image representing transparency. |
ColorPickerSkin — class, package ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.london.skins |
| |
ColorPickerSkin — class, package ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.skins |
| |
ColorPickerSkin — class, package ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.stockholm.skins |
| |
ColorPickerSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.london.skins.ColorPickerSkin |
| Constructor. |
ColorPickerSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.skins.ColorPickerSkin |
| Constructor. |
ColorPickerSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.stockholm.skins.ColorPickerSkin |
| Constructor. |
colorSelectorCursor — Style, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPicker |
| Embedded graphics class for the cursor used to select a color on hover over the color palette. |
| |
colorSelectorCursorHotspot — Style, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPicker |
| The hot spot for the color selector cursor. |
| |
colorSpace — Property, class ardisia.components.colorSpacePicker.ColorSpacePicker |
The color space used to draw the primary and secondary spectrums. |
colorSpace — Property, class ardisia.components.colorSpacePicker.SpectrumBase |
The color space for the spectrum. |
colorSpacePicker — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.popups.ColorSpacePickerPopup |
| |
ColorSpacePicker — class, package ardisia.components.colorSpacePicker |
Color picker that supports selection via the HSL, HSV, and RGB color spaces. |
colorSpacePickerButtonPart — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.london.skins.ColorPickerSkin |
| |
colorSpacePickerButtonPart — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.skins.ColorPickerSkin |
| |
colorSpacePickerButtonPart — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.stockholm.skins.ColorPickerSkin |
| |
colorSpacePickerButtonPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPicker |
| Used to open the ColorSpacePicker. |
Used to open the ColorSpacePicker. |
colorSpacePickerButtonPartHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPicker |
Handles events on the colorSpacePickerButtonPart. |
ColorSpacePickerEvent — class, package ardisia.components.colorSpacePicker.events |
Custom event for the ColorSpacePicker class. |
ColorSpacePickerEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class ardisia.components.colorSpacePicker.events.ColorSpacePickerEvent |
| |
colorSpacePickerFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.london.skins.ColorPickerSkin |
| |
colorSpacePickerFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.skins.ColorPickerSkin |
| dispatch PopupEvent.close() |
colorSpacePickerFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.stockholm.skins.ColorPickerSkin |
| |
colorSpacePickerFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPicker |
| The factory for the ColorSpacePicker control. |
The factory for the ColorSpacePicker control. |
colorSpacePickerIsOpen — Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPicker |
True when the color space picker is open. |
colorSpacePickerPartHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPicker |
Handles events on the colorSpacePickerPart. |
ColorSpacePickerPopup — class, package ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.popups |
| |
ColorSpacePickerPopup() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.popups.ColorSpacePickerPopup |
| Constructor. |
ColorSpacePickerSkin — class, package ardisia.components.colorSpacePicker.themes.spark.skins |
| |
ColorSpacePickerSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.colorSpacePicker.themes.spark.skins.ColorSpacePickerSkin |
| Constructor. |
ColorTransformButtonSkin — class, package ardisia.themes.london.skins |
| |
ColorTransformButtonSkin — class, package ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins |
| |
ColorTransformButtonSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.ColorTransformButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
ColorTransformButtonSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.ColorTransformButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
ColorUtils — class, package ardisia.utils |
Useful color functions. |
COL_RESIZE — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.DefaultCursors |
| |
colResizeCursor — Style, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
| Embedded graphics class for the column resize cursor. |
| |
colResizeCursorHotspot — Style, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
| The hot spot for the column resize cursor. |
| |
colspan — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.dataTypes.StoreData |
The number of columns the renderer should span for the "grid" display
mode. |
column — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.dataTypes.StoreData |
The column the renderer is displayed within. |
COLUMN — Static Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.CalendarDisplayModes |
| |
COLUMN_AND_ALL_DAY_GRID — Static Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.CalendarDisplayModes |
| |
columnCount — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
The number of columns to display. |
columnHeaderGroup — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.london.skins.HeatmapSkin |
| |
columnHeaderGroup — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.spark.skins.HeatmapSkin |
| |
columnHeaderGroup — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.stockholm.skins.HeatmapSkin |
| |
columnHeaderGroup — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.DataGridSkin |
| |
columnHeaderGroup — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.DataGridSkin |
| |
ColumnItemRenderer — class, package ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.itemRenderers |
Pure actionscript column item renderer designed for use by the Calendar
class. |
ColumnItemRenderer() — Constructor, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.itemRenderers.ColumnItemRenderer |
| |
columnLabelFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.skins.CalendarSkin |
| |
columnLabelFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
| Creates the labels for the columns. |
Creates the labels for the columns. |
columnRendererFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.skins.CalendarSkin |
| |
columnRendererFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
| Creates the item renderers for the column display. |
Creates the item renderers for the column display. |
columnRendererHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Handles events on the column renderer skin part. |
columnSeparator — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.london.skins.HeatmapSkin |
| |
columnSeparator — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.spark.skins.HeatmapSkin |
| |
columnSeparator — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.stockholm.skins.HeatmapSkin |
| |
columnSeparator — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.DataGridSkin |
| |
columnSeparator — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.DataGridSkin |
| |
ComboBoxButtonSkin — class, package ardisia.themes.london.skins |
| |
ComboBoxButtonSkin — class, package ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins |
| |
ComboBoxButtonSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.ComboBoxButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
ComboBoxButtonSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.ComboBoxButtonSkin |
| Constructor. |
ComboBoxSkin — class, package ardisia.themes.london.skins |
| |
ComboBoxSkin — class, package ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins |
| |
ComboBoxSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.ComboBoxSkin |
| Constructor. |
ComboBoxSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.ComboBoxSkin |
| Constructor. |
commitBrush(xPosition:Number, yPosition:Number) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Commit the brush. |
commitButtonSnapshot() — method, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.ButtonBarBase |
Commits the buttonSnapshot to the underlying collection and updates the
buttons to reflect the buttonSnapshot. |
commitFocusIndex — Event, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPicker |
Dispatched when a focused color is committed to the selectedColor. |
commitFocusIndex — Event, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPickerRenderer |
Dispatched when a focused color is committed. |
COMMIT_FOCUS_INDEX — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.events.ColorPickerEvent |
| |
commitHex() — method, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.themes.spark.popups.ColorSpacePickerPopup |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.charts.legend.Legend |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.charts.sparklines.SparklinePie |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.charts.treeMap.TreeMap |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.charts.treeMap.themes.spark.skins.TreeMapSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.accordion.themes.spark.skins.AccordionSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.calculator.themes.spark.skins.CalculatorSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.captcha.themes.spark.skins.CaptchaVisualSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.dataTip.themes.spark.skins.DataTipSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.fieldSet.themes.london.skins.FieldSetSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.fieldSet.themes.spark.skins.FieldSetSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.fieldSet.themes.stockholm.skins.FieldSetSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.floatPaneControlBar.themes.london.skins.FloatPaneControlBarSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.floatPaneControlBar.themes.stockholm.skins.FloatPaneControlBarSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.gauges.LinearGaugeBase |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.themes.spark.skins.GraphicsEditorSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.htmlFrame.themes.spark.skins.HtmlFrameSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.iconButton.themes.spark.skins.IconButtonBlackSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.iconButton.themes.spark.skins.IconButtonWhiteSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.miniViewport.themes.spark.skins.MiniViewportSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.pane.themes.spark.skins.PaneSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.pane.themes.stockholm.skins.PaneSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.paneNavigators.tabPaneNavigator.themes.london.skins.TabPaneNavigatorSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.paneNavigators.tabPaneNavigator.themes.spark.skins.TabPaneNavigatorSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.paneNavigators.tabPaneNavigator.themes.stockholm.skins.TabPaneNavigatorSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.themes.spark.skins.RichTextEditorSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.rotaryField.themes.london.skins.RotaryFieldSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.rotaryField.themes.spark.skins.RotaryFieldSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.rotaryField.themes.stockholm.skins.RotaryFieldSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.separators.SeparatorBase |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.sliderField.themes.london.skins.SliderFieldSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.sliderField.themes.spark.skins.SliderFieldSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.sliderField.themes.stockholm.skins.SliderFieldSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.textInput.themes.spark.skins.TextInputSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.timePicker.themes.spark.skins.TimePickerSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.themes.spark.skins.TimebarContainerSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.timeline.themes.spark.skins.TimelineSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.toolbar.themes.london.skins.ToolbarSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.toolbar.themes.spark.skins.ToolbarSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.toolbar.themes.stockholm.skins.ToolbarSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.transformContainer.themes.spark.skins.TransformContainerSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.components.viewStack.themes.spark.skins.ViewStackSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.skins.CalendarSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.scheduling.datePicker.themes.london.skins.DatePickerSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.scheduling.datePicker.themes.spark.skins.DatePickerSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.scheduling.datePicker.themes.stockholm.skins.DatePickerSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.supportClasses.BasicItemRenderer |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.ComboBoxSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.ListSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.PanelSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.TextAreaSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.TextInputSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.ComboBoxSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.ListSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.TextAreaSkin |
| |
commitProperties() — method, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.TextInputSkin |
| |
commitSelectedIndex(removeFromLayout:Boolean) — method, class ardisia.components.viewStack.ViewStack |
Commit the selected index, update the visible element and update the
bindings. |
commitValue(proposedValue:Number, dispatchChange:Boolean) — method, class ardisia.components.rotaryField.RotaryField |
Commits the value and dispatches the "change" event. |
commitValue(proposedValue:Number, dispatchChange:Boolean) — method, class ardisia.components.sliderField.SliderField |
Commits the value and dispatches the "change" event. |
CompassContainer — class, package ardisia.components.compassContainer |
Creates a container with north, south, east, west, and center regions
that content can be added to programmatically or via mxml. |
CompassContainerBase — class, package ardisia.components.compassContainer |
Base class for the CompassContainer and the DockingCompassContainer. |
CompassContainerEvent — class, package ardisia.components.compassContainer.events |
Event used by the CompassContainer class. |
CompassContainerEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, region:ardisia.components.compassContainer:CompassRegionContainer, divider:mx.core:IVisualElement) — Constructor, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.events.CompassContainerEvent |
| |
compassContainerFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.themes.london.skins.DockingCompassContainerSkin |
| |
compassContainerFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.themes.spark.skins.DockingCompassContainerSkin |
| |
compassContainerFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.themes.stockholm.skins.DockingCompassContainerSkin |
| |
compassContainerFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.DockingCompassContainer |
| Factory that creates the CompassContainers. At least one top level CompassContainer will be created. |
Factory that creates the CompassContainers. |
compassContainerHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.DockingCompassContainer |
Handles events on the CompassContainer. |
CompassContainerSkin — class, package ardisia.components.compassContainer.themes.london.skins |
| |
CompassContainerSkin — class, package ardisia.components.compassContainer.themes.spark.skins |
| |
CompassContainerSkin — class, package ardisia.components.compassContainer.themes.stockholm.skins |
| |
CompassContainerSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.themes.london.skins.CompassContainerSkin |
| Constructor. |
CompassContainerSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.themes.spark.skins.CompassContainerSkin |
| Constructor. |
CompassContainerSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.themes.stockholm.skins.CompassContainerSkin |
| Constructor. |
CompassMinimizedRegion — class, package ardisia.components.compassContainer |
Displayed when a CompassRegionContainer is minimized and hidden. |
CompassQuadrant — class, package ardisia.dataTypes |
Possible compass directions and rotate. |
compassRegion — Property, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassRegionContainer |
String description of the region's cardinal location in the
CompassContainer. |
CompassRegionContainer — class, package ardisia.components.compassContainer |
Base class for region containers designed for use by the CompassContainer. |
CompassRegionContainer() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassRegionContainer |
| |
content — Property, class ardisia.components.toggleSwitchDesktop.themes.spark.skins.ToggleSwitchDesktopSkin |
| sliding content |
_contentBackgroundAlpha — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.ListSkin |
| |
_contentBackgroundAlpha — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.ListSkin |
| |
_contentBackgroundColor — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.ListSkin |
| |
_contentBackgroundColor — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.ListSkin |
| |
contentCol — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.FormHeadingSkin |
| |
contentCol — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.FormItemSkin |
| |
contentCol — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.FormHeadingSkin |
| |
contentCol — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.FormItemSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.accordion.themes.london.skins.AccordionContainerSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.accordion.themes.spark.skins.AccordionContainerSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.accordion.themes.spark.skins.AccordionSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.accordion.themes.stockholm.skins.AccordionContainerSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.expandingContainer.themes.london.skins.ExpandingContainerSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.expandingContainer.themes.spark.skins.ExpandingContainerSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.expandingContainer.themes.stockholm.skins.ExpandingContainerSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.fieldSet.themes.london.skins.FieldSetSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.fieldSet.themes.spark.skins.FieldSetSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.fieldSet.themes.stockholm.skins.FieldSetSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.themes.london.skins.PaneSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.themes.spark.skins.PaneSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.themes.stockholm.skins.PaneSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.paneNavigators.tabPaneNavigator.themes.london.skins.TabPaneNavigatorSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.paneNavigators.tabPaneNavigator.themes.spark.skins.TabPaneNavigatorSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.paneNavigators.tabPaneNavigator.themes.stockholm.skins.TabPaneNavigatorSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.themes.spark.skins.TimebarContainerSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.timeline.themes.spark.skins.TimelineSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.toolbar.themes.london.skins.ToolbarSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.toolbar.themes.spark.skins.ToolbarSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.toolbar.themes.stockholm.skins.ToolbarSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.transformContainer.themes.spark.skins.TransformContainerSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.viewStack.themes.spark.skins.ViewStackSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.FormItemSkin |
| use absolute layout instead of baseline |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.FormSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.PanelSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.SkinnablePopUpContainerSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.TitleWindowSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.FormItemSkin |
| use absolute layout instead of baseline |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.FormSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.PanelSkin |
| |
contentGroup — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.TitleWindowSkin |
| |
contentGroupHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.TimebarContainer |
Handles events on the contentGroup. |
contentGroupHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.transformContainer.TransformContainer |
Handles events for the content group skin part. |
contents — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.PanelSkin |
| contents |
contents — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.TitleWindowSkin |
| Contains the vertical stack of title bar content and control bar. |
contents — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.PanelSkin |
| contents |
contents — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.TitleWindowSkin |
| contents |
contextMenuHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — Static Method , class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
Handles events on the context menu. |
ContrastFilter — class, package ardisia.filters |
Contrast filter. |
ContrastFilter() — Constructor, class ardisia.filters.ContrastFilter |
| |
controlBarGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.themes.london.skins.PaneSkin |
| |
controlBarGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.themes.spark.skins.PaneSkin |
| |
controlBarGroup — Property, class ardisia.components.pane.themes.stockholm.skins.PaneSkin |
| |
controlBarGroup — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.PanelSkin |
| control bar |
controlBarGroup — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.TitleWindowSkin |
| control bar |
controlBarGroup — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.PanelSkin |
| control bar |
controlBarGroup — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.TitleWindowSkin |
| control bar |
convertHexToUint(hex:String) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.ColorUtils |
Converts a hex string into an unsigned integer and returns the value. |
convertHSLtoRGB(h:Number, s:Number, l:Number) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.HSLColor |
Convert HSL color to RGB. |
convertHSVtoRGB(h:Number, s:Number, v:Number) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.HSVColor |
Convert HSV color to RGB. |
convertMinutesToString(totalMinutes:Number) — method, class ardisia.components.timePicker.TimePicker |
Converts passed minutes value into a human readable time string. |
convertRGBtoHSL(rgb:uint) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.HSLColor |
Convert RGB color to HSL. |
convertRGBtoHSV(rgb:uint) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.HSVColor |
Convert RGB color to HSV. |
convertRGBtoUint(r:Number, g:Number, b:Number) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.ColorUtils |
Converts a red/green/blue channel into a uint. |
convertStringToArray(str:String) — method, class ardisia.components.calculator.Calculator |
Parses a string into an array by splitting it via the operators present. |
convertStringToMinutes(timeString:String) — method, class ardisia.components.timePicker.TimePicker |
Converts a user entered string to numerical value of minutes. |
convertUintToRGB(color:uint) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.ColorUtils |
Return the red, green, and blue components of a color passed in uint
hex format. |
convertUPCAtoUPCE(data:String) — Static Method , class ardisia.components.barCode.specifications.Upc |
Converts a UPC-A number to a UPC-E encoded number. |
CoolFilter — class, package ardisia.filters |
Cooler, bluer filter. |
CoolFilter() — Constructor, class ardisia.filters.CoolFilter |
| |
copyBitmapLasso(cut:Boolean) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Copy or cut the bitmap data selected via a lasso. |
_cornerRadius — Property, class ardisia.components.dataTip.themes.spark.skins.DataTipSkin |
| |
_cornerRadius — Property, class ardisia.components.fieldSet.themes.london.skins.FieldSetSkin |
| |
_cornerRadius — Property, class ardisia.components.fieldSet.themes.spark.skins.FieldSetSkin |
| |
_cornerRadius — Property, class ardisia.components.fieldSet.themes.stockholm.skins.FieldSetSkin |
| |
cornerRadius — Style, class ardisia.components.dataTip.DataTip |
| Corner radius. |
| |
cornerRadius — Style, class ardisia.components.fieldSet.FieldSet |
| Radius of the corners for the border. |
| |
count — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.dataTypes.SchedulingData |
The count rule part defines the number of occurrences at which to
range-bound the recurrence. |
CoverflowLayout — class, package ardisia.layouts |
Lays out elements in a coverflow pattern. |
CoverflowList — class, package ardisia.components.coverflowList |
List optimized for use with the CoverflowLayout class. |
CoverflowListSkin — class, package ardisia.components.coverflowList.themes.spark.skins |
| |
CoverflowListSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.coverflowList.themes.spark.skins.CoverflowListSkin |
| Constructor. |
createChildren() — method, class ardisia.charts.legend.Legend |
| |
createChildren() — method, class ardisia.charts.sparklines.SparklinePie |
| |
createChildren() — method, class ardisia.charts.treeMap.TreeMap |
| |
createChildren() — method, class ardisia.charts.treeMap.themes.spark.skins.TreeMapItemRenderer |
| |
createChildren() — method, class ardisia.components.accordion.Accordion |
| |
createChildren() — method, class ardisia.components.gauges.LinearGaugeBase |
| |
createChildren() — method, class ardisia.components.preloaders.baseClasses.PreloaderBase |
| |
createChildren() — method, class ardisia.supportClasses.BasicItemRenderer |
| |
created — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.dataTypes.SchedulingData |
This property specifies the Date when this object was created. |
createFrame() — method, class ardisia.components.htmlFrame.HtmlFrame |
Create the html frame. |
CreateLinkGroupBase — class, package ardisia.components.richTextEditor.supportClasses |
Base class for the create link skin part for the Ardisia RichTextEditor. |
createLinkPanelFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.themes.spark.skins.RichTextEditorSkin |
| |
createLinkPanelFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
| Dynamic skin part that allows the user to set the url and target for hyperlinks. |
Dynamic skin part that allows the user to set the url and target for
hyperlinks. |
createMenu(parent:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer, dataProvider:mx.collections:IList, showRoot:Boolean, minWidth:Number) — Static Method , class ardisia.components.menu.Menu |
Added to provide consistency with the Halo Menu. |
crop() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Crops the canvas to the region contained within the crop lasso. |
CROP — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditorInteractionModes |
| |
cropCursor — Style, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
| Embedded graphics class for the cursor used to start crop operations. |
| |
cropCursorHotSpot — Style, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
| The hot spot for the crop cursor. |
| |
CropLasso — class, package ardisia.components.graphicsEditor |
Lasso displayed during a cropping operation. |
cropLassoFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.themes.spark.skins.GraphicsEditorSkin |
| |
cropLassoFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
| Factory that creates the crop lasso. |
Factory that creates the crop lasso. |
cropLassoPartHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Handles events for the crop lasso part. |
cropModeHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Handles events related to the "crop" interactionMode. |
cropRectangle — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
The current dimensions and position of the crop rectangle relative to
the canvasPart. |
cropRectangleChanged — Event, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Dispatched when the crop rectangle changes. |
CROP_RECTANGLE_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.events.GraphicsEditorEvent |
| |
CROSSHAIR — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.DefaultCursors |
| |
crosshairCursor — Style, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
| Embedded graphics class for the crosshair cursor. |
| |
crosshairCursorHotspot — Style, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
| The hot spot for the crosshair cursor. |
| |
currentCursor — Static Property, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
Returns the CursorData object for the currently displayed cursor. |
currentFrame — Property, class ardisia.components.animatedImage.AnimatedBitmap |
The currently displayed frame. |
currentFrame — Property, class ardisia.components.animatedImage.AnimatedImage |
The currently displayed frame. |
currentIntervalMode — Property, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.TimebarContainer |
The currently displayed intervalMode. |
currentPriority — Static Property, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
Returns the priority of the currently displayed cursor. |
CursorData — class, package ardisia.managers.cursorManager.data |
Defines a cursor for use by the CursorManager class. |
CursorData(name:String, hotSpot:flash.geom:Point, assets:Vector$flash.display:BitmapData, frameRate:uint) — Constructor, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.data.CursorData |
| |
cursorList — Static Property, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
The array of cursors to be displayed on the screen, as set by
setCursor() calls. |
CursorListData — class, package ardisia.managers.cursorManager.data |
Data class used to track cursors on the cursor list for the
CursorManager class. |
CursorListData(name:String, priority:int, groupName:String, forceNonNative:Boolean, systemManager:mx.managers:ISystemManager) — Constructor, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.data.CursorListData |
| |
CursorManager — class, package ardisia.managers.cursorManager |
Displays mouse cursors natively at the OS level. |
CursorManagerColorModes — class, package ardisia.managers.cursorManager |
Possible values for the "colorMode" property for the CursorManager. |
CursorPriority — class, package ardisia.managers.cursorManager |
Cursor priorities. |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |