A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
gap — Property, class ardisia.charts.funnel.Funnel |
Gap between sections of the funnel. |
gap — Property, class ardisia.charts.sparklines.SparklineBar |
The gap between bars in pixels. |
gap — Property, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.layouts.ButtonBarLayout |
The gap between buttons (assuming more than 1 button). |
_gap — Property, class ardisia.components.floatPaneControlBar.themes.london.skins.FloatPaneControlBarSkin |
| |
_gap — Property, class ardisia.components.floatPaneControlBar.themes.stockholm.skins.FloatPaneControlBarSkin |
| |
gap — Property, class ardisia.components.rating.Rating |
The gap between renderers in the layout. |
gap — Style, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainerBase |
| The gap between regions. |
| |
gap — Style, class ardisia.components.floatPaneControlBar.FloatPaneControlBar |
| The distance between float pane buttons. |
| |
gapAlpha — Style, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainerBase |
| Alpha of the gap. |
| |
gapColor — Style, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainerBase |
| Color of the gap between regions. |
| |
GaugeBase — class, package ardisia.components.gauges |
Base class for both the linear and radial gauges. |
GaugeEvent — class, package ardisia.components.gauges.events |
Custom event for the Gauges classes. |
GaugeEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class ardisia.components.gauges.events.GaugeEvent |
| |
generateEncoding() — method, class ardisia.components.barCode.BarCode |
Creates the encoded string or image. |
generateRecurrenceDates(calendarData:ardisia.scheduling.dataTypes:SchedulingData, startDt:Date) — Static Method , class ardisia.scheduling.iCalendarRecurrence.iCalendarRecurrence |
Returns an array of Date objects for all the dates created by the
recurrence rules for the provided SchedulingData object. |
generateSealedObjectString(item:Object, prefix:String) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.ObjectUtils |
Creates a string based on a sealed object's variables and properties
using flash reflection classes. |
geoLocationError(error:Object) — method, class ardisia.components.htmlGeolocation.HtmlGeolocation |
Called by the browser after getCurrentPosition() fails and returns
an error. |
geoLocationPositionResults(position:Object) — method, class ardisia.components.htmlGeolocation.HtmlGeolocation |
Called by the browser after getCurrentPosition() successfully returns
positioning data. |
GeomUtils — class, package ardisia.utils |
Utility class for some common matrix operations. |
getAngleOffsetToElement(index:int) — method, class ardisia.layouts.CarouselLayout |
Return the angle offset necessary to center the passed element index
in the carousel. |
getAssetSourceURL(char:String) — method, class ardisia.components.captcha.CaptchaAudio |
Returns the URL to find the mp3 file for the passed character. |
getBranchNodeHeight() — method, interface ardisia.charts.treeMap.interfaces.ITreeMapItemRenderer |
Return the height to set branch nodes. |
getBranchNodeHeight() — method, class ardisia.charts.treeMap.themes.spark.skins.TreeMapItemRenderer |
Called by layout to determine the height for branch nodes. |
getCheckDigit(data:String) — Static Method , class ardisia.components.barCode.specifications.Code93 |
Calculates and returns the check digit. |
getCheckDigit(data:String, EANcode:String) — Static Method , class ardisia.components.barCode.specifications.Ean |
Calculates and returns the check digit. |
getCheckDigit(data:String) — Static Method , class ardisia.components.barCode.specifications.Int25 |
Calculates and returns the check digit. |
getCheckDigit(data:String) — Static Method , class ardisia.components.barCode.specifications.Upc |
Calculates and returns the check digit. |
getCheckSymbol(data:String, type:String) — Static Method , class ardisia.components.barCode.specifications.Code128 |
Calculates and returns the check symbol. |
getClosestDay(dt:Date) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.DateUtils |
Returns the closest day. |
getClosestIndex(minutes:Number) — method, class ardisia.components.timePicker.TimePicker |
Returns the index of the element in the collection with the closest
minutes value relative to the passed value. |
getColor(item:Object) — method, class ardisia.charts.donut.Donut |
Returns the color for each series. |
getColor(item:Object) — method, class ardisia.charts.funnel.Funnel |
Returns the color for each node. |
getColor(series:ardisia.charts.radar.data:RadarSeries) — method, class ardisia.charts.radar.Radar |
Returns the color for each series. |
getColor(item:ardisia.charts.treeMap.data:TreeMapData) — method, class ardisia.charts.treeMap.TreeMap |
Returns the color for each node. |
getColor(value:Number) — method, class ardisia.components.colorizer.DiscreteColorizer |
Returns a color based on the value parameter. |
getColor(value:Number) — method, class ardisia.components.colorizer.GradientColorizer |
Returns a color based on the value parameter. |
getColor(value:Number) — method, interface ardisia.components.colorizer.interfaces.IColorizer |
Returns a color based on the value parameter. |
getColor() — Static Method , class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
Return the cursor color theme to use (black/white). |
getColorBetweenColors(colorA:uint, colorB:uint, ratio:Number) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.ColorUtils |
Return the uint color located at the provided ratio between the passed
colors. |
getColorCoordinate(spectrum:mx.core:UIComponent) — method, class ardisia.components.colorSpacePicker.ColorSpacePicker |
Returns the position of the selected color on the passed spectrum. |
getColumnStartPositions(rendererIndex:int, dayStore:Vector$ardisia.scheduling.calendar.dataTypes:StoreData) — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Sets the layout positions on the store data for the column renderers. |
getCropLassoLocation() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.CropLasso |
Get the string description of where the mouse cursor is in relation to
the croppingLassoInstance. |
getCurrentPosition() — method, class ardisia.components.htmlGeolocation.HtmlGeolocation |
Get the current geolocation position via the HTML5 Geolocation API. |
getCurrentRendererState() — method, class ardisia.supportClasses.BasicItemRenderer |
Returns the name of the state for the renderer. |
getCursorData(name:String) — Static Method , class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.CursorManager |
Returns the CursorData object in the availableCursors array. |
getDataTipContent(data:Object) — method, class ardisia.charts.baseClasses.ChartBase |
Returns the contents for the data tip. |
getDataTipContent(data:Object) — method, class ardisia.charts.donut.Donut |
Returns the contents for the data tip. |
getDataTipContent(item:Object) — method, class ardisia.charts.sparklines.SparklineBase |
Returns the contents for the data tip. |
getDataTipContent(item:Object) — method, class ardisia.charts.sparklines.SparklinePie |
Returns the contents for the data tip. |
getDataTipContent(item:Object) — method, class ardisia.charts.treeMap.TreeMap |
Returns the contents for the data tip. |
getDataTipContent(data:Object) — method, class ardisia.components.rating.Rating |
Returns the contents for the data tip. |
getDataTipContent(data:Object) — method, class ardisia.components.timeline.Timeline |
Returns the contents for the data tip. |
getDateMap() — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Return the protected dateMap array. |
getDatePickerStart(dt:Date, firstDayOfWeek:int) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.DateUtils |
Returns the Date object for the start date in the datepicker given the
first day of the week and the month. |
getDayNum(dayStr:String) — Static Method , class ardisia.scheduling.iCalendarParser.iCalendarParser |
Converts a iCalendar string representation of a day of the week
into an actionscript numerical representation of the day of a week. |
getDayOffset(dt:Date, startDate:Date) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.DateUtils |
Returns the number of days that separate the Date objects. |
getDaysInMonth(examinedDate:Date) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.DateUtils |
Returns the number of days in the month. |
getDayString(dayNum:int) — Static Method , class ardisia.scheduling.iCalendarParser.iCalendarParser |
Converts an actionscript numerical representation of a day of the week
into an iCalendar string representation of the day of a week. |
getDecimalSeperator() — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.NumberUtils |
Return the decimal seperator according to the user's global locale
settings. |
getDecodedDate(str:String, timeZones:Array) — Static Method , class ardisia.scheduling.iCalendarParser.iCalendarParser |
Decodes iCalendar formatted DATE or DATE-TIME values into as3
Dates. |
getDefaultChartColor(index:int) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.ColorUtils |
Return the default color for a series in a chart with no colorizer
defined. |
getDefaultTime(dt:Date) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.SchedulingUtils |
Returns the closest 30 minute interval with a 1 hour duration based on
the passed date or today's date if no dt is passed. |
getEaser() — method, class ardisia.components.expandingContainer.ExpandingContainer |
Return the easer to use. |
getElementAngles() — method, class ardisia.layouts.CarouselLayout |
Returns a vector of angles the elements will be displayed at. |
getEllipseRadius(w:Number, h:Number, theta:Number) — method, class ardisia.components.clocks.ClockAnalog |
Returns the radius of the ellipse from the center to the given point
on the ellipse perimeter at a given angle. |
getEllipseRadiusAtTheta(width:Number, height:Number, theta:Number) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.GraphicsUtils |
Returns the radius of the ellipse from the center of the ellipse to the
ellipse perimeter at the provided angle. |
getFadeButtonEffect(slidingData:ardisia.components.buttonBar.data:ButtonBarButtonData) — method, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.ButtonBarBase |
Creates and returns a Fade effect on the passed data. |
getFirstDayOfMonth(dt:Date) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.DateUtils |
Returns the Date object for the first day of the month. |
getFirstEmptyIndex(arr:Array) — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Returns the first empty index value in the provided array. |
getFloodFillBitmapData(bmd:flash.display:BitmapData, x:Number, y:Number, fillColor:uint, tolerance:Number, antiAlias:Boolean) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Returns the flood fill bitmap data. |
getFlyoutPositions(direction:String) — method, class ardisia.components.iconButton.IconButton |
Return the coordinates for the flyout move effect. |
getGreyScaleArray(numColors:int) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.ColorUtils |
Return an array of gray scale colors. |
getHoveredDropTargetQuadrant() — method, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.RegionDropTarget |
Return the hovered drop target compass direction string description. |
getHoveredGraphicObject(event:flash.events:MouseEvent) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Return the currently hovered graphicObject (if any). |
getHoveredRegion() — method, class ardisia.components.compassContainer.CompassContainer |
Return the region container based on the mouse position. |
getHoveredRegionDropTarget() — method, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.DockingCompassContainer |
Return the region drop target hovered (if any). |
getHoveredTopLevelRegionDropTarget() — method, class ardisia.components.dockingCompassContainer.DockingCompassContainer |
Check if any top level drop targets are hovered over. |
getICalendarDateStamp(date:Date) — Static Method , class ardisia.scheduling.iCalendarParser.iCalendarParser |
Converts a Date object to an iCalendar formatted string for "floating
time", E.G. |
getICalendarTimeStamp(date:Date) — Static Method , class ardisia.scheduling.iCalendarParser.iCalendarParser |
Converts a Date object to an iCalendar formatted timestamp string. |
getIndex(symbol:String) — Static Method , class ardisia.components.barCode.specifications.Code128 |
Returns the index in the encoding array that the passed symbol
is defined. |
getIndex(symbol:String) — Static Method , class ardisia.components.barCode.specifications.Code93 |
Returns the index in the digitEncoding array where the passed symbol
is defined. |
getIntervalFromX() — method, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.TimebarContainer |
Return the interval start and end from the passed x coordinate in the
contentGroup's coordinate space. |
getIntervalIndex(xPosition:Number) — method, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.TimebarContainer |
Return the index of the interval from the passed x coordinate in the
contentGroup's coordinate space. |
getIntervalPeriodFromDate(needle:Date) — method, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.TimebarContainer |
Return the interval period based on the passed timestamp. |
getIteratedDate(dt:Date, count:int) — method, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.TimebarContainer |
Will return a new Date based on the passed Date and the number of
intervals to apply. |
getLabel(node:Object) — method, class ardisia.charts.treeMap.TreeMap |
Returns the label for data node. |
getLabelsText(item:Object) — method, class ardisia.charts.funnel.Funnel |
Return formatted string to display for the labels. |
getLastMomentOfMonth(examinedDate:Date) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.DateUtils |
Returns the Date object for last moment of the specified month. |
getLineIntersection(line1Start:flash.geom:Point, line1End:flash.geom:Point, line2Start:flash.geom:Point, line2End:flash.geom:Point) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.GraphicsUtils |
Get the intersection point of 2 lines. |
getMinutesIndex(minutes:Number) — method, class ardisia.components.timePicker.TimePicker |
Returns the index of the element in the collection with a "minutes"
property that is equal to the passed value. |
getMinWidthAtMode(mode:ardisia.components.timebarContainer.dataTypes:IntervalMode) — method, interface ardisia.components.timebarContainer.interfaces.ITimebarContainerItemRenderer |
| |
getMinWidthAtMode(mode:ardisia.components.timebarContainer.dataTypes:IntervalMode) — method, class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.themes.baseClasses.TimebarContainerItemRendererBase |
Returns the minimum number of pixels required for the passed
IntervalMode. |
getMonthViewConfig(dt:Date, firstDayOfWeek:int, daysPerWeek:int) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.DateUtils |
Returns the startDate and the number of required weeks for a month
view. |
getMouseAngle() — method, class ardisia.components.rotaryField.RotaryField |
Based on the current mouse position, gets the angle relative to the
center of the wheel. |
getMousedGridIndex(canvas:spark.core:SpriteVisualElement) — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Returns the row/column of where the mouse is located. |
getMoveButtonEffect(slidingData:ardisia.components.buttonBar.data:ButtonBarButtonData) — method, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.ButtonBarBase |
Creates and returns a Move animation to move a button to the new position. |
getNearestValue(value:Number) — method, class ardisia.components.rotaryField.RotaryField |
Returns the angle to the closest snap interval and bounded to the range
0 (less than or equal to) value (less than or equal to) 360. |
getNormalizedPosition(weight:Number) — method, class ardisia.layouts.PackedLayout |
Return the position along the distribution function. |
getNumLines() — method, class ardisia.components.autoFitText.AutoFitLabel |
Returns the number of lines. |
getNumLines() — method, class ardisia.components.autoFitText.AutoFitRichText |
Returns the number of text lines. |
getObjectsUnderPoint(container:flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer, pt:flash.geom:Point) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.DisplayListUtils |
Returns all the visible elements at the passed point under the passed
DisplayObjectContainer. |
getOccurrenceDay(year:int, month:int, day:int, interval:int) — Static Method , class ardisia.scheduling.iCalendarParser.iCalendarParser |
Get the day. |
getOverlap(proposedX:Number, proposedY:Number, proposedWidth:Number, proposedHeight:Number, width:Number, height:Number) — method, class ardisia.layouts.PackedLayout |
Returns the maximum overlap (area) that the passed proposed layout has
with the other elements
getPipName(pip:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Return the English description of which pip is passed. |
getPipName(pip:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class ardisia.components.transformContainer.TransformContainer |
Return the english description of which pip is passed. |
getPointColor(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class ardisia.components.colorPicker.ColorPicker |
Return the color at the passed xy coordinate. |
getPosition(rect:flash.geom:Rectangle, width:Number, height:Number, normalizedWeight:Number) — method, class ardisia.layouts.PackedLayout |
Returns a position within the bounding box based on the layoutMode. |
getRandomString() — method, class ardisia.components.captcha.CaptchaVisual |
Generates a random string. |
getRenderer(data:ardisia.charts.treeMap.data:TreeMapData) — method, class ardisia.charts.treeMap.TreeMap |
Get a node renderer. |
getResizeButtonEffect(slidingData:ardisia.components.buttonBar.data:ButtonBarButtonData) — method, class ardisia.components.buttonBar.ButtonBarBase |
Creates and returns a resize effect on the passed data. |
getResizeMouseLocation() — method, class ardisia.components.pane.Pane |
Get the string description of where the mouse cursor is in relation to
the edges of the dragRegionPart and the "resizeThreshold". |
getRotation(matrix:flash.geom:Matrix) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.GeomUtils |
Given the provided transform matrix, returns the rotation in degrees. |
getRow(itemIndex:int, storeSeriesData:Vector$ardisia.components.timeline.dataTypes:StoreData) — method, class ardisia.components.timeline.Timeline |
Given the passed index in the store, return the row to display the
renderer. |
getScale(matrix:flash.geom:Matrix) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.GeomUtils |
Given the provided transform matrix, returns the scaleX and scaleY as a
Point object. |
getScrollPositionToElement(index:int) — method, class ardisia.layouts.TimeMachineLayout |
Return the zScrollPosition to display the passed element index. |
getSelectedParagraphs() — method, class ardisia.components.richTextEditor.RichTextEditor |
Return an array of all the selected ParagraphElements. |
getSkew(matrix:flash.geom:Matrix) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.GeomUtils |
Given the provided transform matrix, returns the skewX and skewY as a
Point object. |
getSortedSelectedObjects() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Returns a vector of the selected GraphicObject(s) sorted by depth
(lowest to highest). |
getStoreData(start:Date, end:Date, searchPhrase:String) — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Returns an array of store data based on the input parameters. |
getTimestamp(mode:ardisia.components.timebarContainer.dataTypes:IntervalMode) — Static Method , class ardisia.components.timebarContainer.dataTypes.IntervalMode |
Return the approximate timestamp. |
getTransformRectangle(targetSpace:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class ardisia.components.transformContainer.TransformContainer |
deprecated - use getTransformRectangle2() instead. |
getTransformRectangle2(targetSpace:mx.core:IVisualElement, contextGraphicObjects:Vector$ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.baseClasses:GraphicObjectBase, includeFilters:Boolean) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Return the transform lasso rectangle that bounds all the selected
or passed GraphicsObject(s). |
getTransformRectangle2(targetSpace:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class ardisia.components.transformContainer.TransformContainer |
Return the transform lasso rectangle that bounds all the selected
elements. |
getTranslation(matrix:flash.geom:Matrix) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.GeomUtils |
Given the provided transform matrix, returns the translation. |
getVisibleCanvas() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Return the rectangle for the visible portion of the canvas in canvas
coordinate space. |
getWebSafeArray() — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.ColorUtils |
Return a typical array of web safe colors. |
getWeekStart(dt:Date, firstDayOfWeek:int) — Static Method , class ardisia.utils.DateUtils |
Returns the Date object for the start of a week when provided with a date
within the week and the first day of the week. |
getWeight(node:Object) — method, class ardisia.charts.treeMap.TreeMap |
Returns the weight for the node. |
getXValue(value:Object, index:int) — method, class ardisia.charts.sparklines.SparklineLine |
Returns the x value for display. |
getYValue(value:Object) — method, class ardisia.charts.sparklines.SparklineBase |
Returns the y value for display. |
GRABBER — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditorInteractionModes |
| |
grabberModeHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Handles events related to the "grabber" interactionMode. |
GradientColorizer — class, package ardisia.components.colorizer |
Colorizer useful for assigning colors to elements in charting classes. |
GradientColorizerData — class, package ardisia.components.colorizer.data |
Data type used to populate the dataProvider of the GradientColorizer class. |
GradientColorizerData(ratio:Number, color:uint) — Constructor, class ardisia.components.colorizer.data.GradientColorizerData |
| |
graphicObject — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.events.GraphicsEditorEvent |
| |
graphicObjectAdded — Event, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Dispatched a graphic object is removed from the canvas. |
graphicObjectAdded — Event, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Dispatched a graphic object is added to the canvas. |
GRAPHIC_OBJECT_ADDED — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.events.GraphicsEditorEvent |
| |
GraphicObjectBase — class, package ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.baseClasses |
Base class for graphic objects for the GraphicsEditor class. |
GRAPHIC_OBJECT_REMOVED — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.events.GraphicsEditorEvent |
| |
graphicObjects — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Vector of all the graphic objects displayed within the canvas. |
graphicObjectsStates — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.dataTypes.EditorState |
| |
GraphicsEditor — class, package ardisia.components.graphicsEditor |
Component that can be used to manipulate bitmap data, vector shapes, and
text objects. |
GraphicsEditorEvent — class, package ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.events |
Custom events for the GraphicsEditor class. |
GraphicsEditorEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, graphicObject:ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.baseClasses:GraphicObjectBase) — Constructor, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.events.GraphicsEditorEvent |
| |
GraphicsEditorInteractionModes — class, package ardisia.components.graphicsEditor |
Defines the possible interaction modes for the GraphicsEditor class. |
GraphicsEditorLayout — class, package ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.layouts |
Used by the GraphicsEditor class to layout the canvas. |
GraphicsEditorSkin — class, package ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.themes.spark.skins |
| |
GraphicsEditorSkin() — Constructor, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.themes.spark.skins.GraphicsEditorSkin |
| Constructor. |
GraphicsEditorVectorTypes — class, package ardisia.components.graphicsEditor |
Supported vector drawing types for the GraphicsEditor component. |
graphicsObject — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.dataTypes.GraphicsObjectState |
| |
GraphicsObjectState — class, package ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.dataTypes |
Stores the state for a GraphicObject. |
GraphicsUtils — class, package ardisia.utils |
Assortment of useful graphics related functions. |
GrayscaleFilter — class, package ardisia.filters |
Filter to create a grayscale effect. |
GrayscaleFilter() — Constructor, class ardisia.filters.GrayscaleFilter |
| |
grid — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.london.skins.HeatmapSkin |
| renderer here only applies to the series column |
grid — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.spark.skins.HeatmapSkin |
| renderer here only applies to the series column |
grid — Property, class ardisia.charts.heatmap.themes.stockholm.skins.HeatmapSkin |
| renderer here only applies to the series column |
grid — Property, class ardisia.themes.london.skins.DataGridSkin |
| |
grid — Property, class ardisia.themes.stockholm.skins.DataGridSkin |
| |
GRID — Static Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.CalendarDisplayModes |
| |
GridItemRenderer — class, package ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.itemRenderers |
Pure actionscript grid item renderer designed for use by the Calendar
class. |
GridItemRenderer() — Constructor, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.itemRenderers.GridItemRenderer |
| |
gridLabelFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.skins.CalendarSkin |
| |
gridLabelFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
| Creates the labels that display the grid dates. |
Creates the labels that display the grid dates. |
gridLabelHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Handles events on the grid label skin part. |
gridLabelMouseDown — Event, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Dispatched when the grid label item renderers are moused down. |
GRID_LABEL_MOUSE_DOWN — Constant Static Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.events.CalendarEvent |
| |
GridLabelRenderer — class, package ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.itemRenderers |
Renderer designed for use by the Grid labels for the Calendar class. |
GridLabelRenderer() — Constructor, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.itemRenderers.GridLabelRenderer |
| |
gridOverflowButtonFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.skins.CalendarSkin |
| |
gridOverflowButtonFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
| Creates the button that displays the number of events are not displayed in the grid display mode due to size constraints. Clicking this button will also display the gridOverflowPopup. |
Creates the button that displays the number of events are not displayed
in the grid display mode due to size constraints. |
gridOverflowHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Handles events on the grid overflow skin part. |
gridOverflowPopupFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.skins.CalendarSkin |
| |
gridOverflowPopupFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
| Creates the popup that displays the events for a day in the "grid" display mode when the day's events overflow the available space. Displayed when the gridOverflowButton is clicked. |
Creates the popup that displays the events for a day in the "grid"
display mode when the day's events overflow the available space. |
gridRendererFactoryPart — Property, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.themes.spark.skins.CalendarSkin |
| |
gridRendererFactoryPart — Skin Part, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
| Creates the item renderers for the "grid" display. |
Creates the item renderers for the "grid" display. |
gridRendererHandler(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class ardisia.scheduling.calendar.Calendar |
Handles events on the grid renderers skin part. |
groupedGraphicObjects — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
An array of the grouped graphic objects. |
groupedGraphicObjects — Property, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.dataTypes.EditorState |
| |
groupName — Property, class ardisia.managers.cursorManager.data.CursorListData |
The group token (if any) for the cursor. |
groupSelectedGraphicObjects() — method, class ardisia.components.graphicsEditor.GraphicsEditor |
Group the selected GraphicObjects together without flattening them. |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |