- Usage
- Using the Library
- Using the Themes
- Using the Demo App
- Components
- Accordion
- AnimatedImage
- AutoComplete
- AutoFitText
- BarCode
- BitmapAdjustments
- ButtonBar
- Calculator
- Calendar
- CarouselLayout
- CarouselList
- Clocks
- Colorizer
- ColorPicker
- ColorSpacePicker
- CompassContainer
- CoverflowLayout
- CoverflowList
- CursorManager
- DatePicker
- DockingCompassContainer
- Donut Chart
- ExpandingContainer
- FieldSet
- Filters
- FlexContextMenu
- FloatPaneControlBar
- Funnel Chart
- GraphicsEditor
- Heatmap
- HtmlDragDrop
- HtmlFrame
- HtmlGeolocation
- iCalendarParser
- iCalendarRecurrence
- IconButton
- Linear Gauges
- Magnifier
- Menu and MenuBar
- MiniViewport
- PackedLayout
- PackedList
- Pane
- PopUpButton
- ProgressDisplay
- Radar
- Radial Gauge
- Rating
- ReflectionContainer
- RichTextEditor
- RotaryField
- SafariMouseWheelFix
- Scroller
- Separators
- SliderField
- Sparklines
- TabPaneNavigator
- TextInput
- TimebarContainer
- Timeline
- TimeMachineLayout
- TimeMachineList
- TimePicker
- ToggleSwitchDesktop
- TransformContainer
- TreeMap
- ViewStack
- WheelList
Pane instances are containers that can function as a simple container in their "normal" state, and can be floated and interacted with as if they are windows when pane.floatPane() is called.
Creating the Pane Component
The Pane class extends the Flex SDK SkinnableContainer class so they can be added to any container that implements IVisualElementContainer or they can be initialized and floated via calling instance.floatPane() on the instance.
Using the Pane Component
In its default skin state, a Pane is nothing more than a SkinnableContainer so usage is probably very familiar. To float the Pane, call pane.floatPane() on it.
If the Pane needs to be un-floated, call closeFloatedPane() and then add the Pane to a new location on the DisplayList. Never add a floated Pane to new container without calling closeFloatedPane() or you will have memory leaks and potential RTEs.
Keep in mind that when a Pane is closed, a close animation will run so the Pane will not be immediately available to be added to a new container. You have two options:
Option 1 To Close a Pane and Add to a New Container:
When you call closeFloatedPane() on the Pane, pass a "true" parameter to
skip the close transition. Can be immediately added to a new container.
pane.closeFloatedPane(true); newContainer.addElement(pane);
Option 2 To Close a Pane and Add to a New Container:
Before you call closeFloatedPane() on the Pane, listen for the CLOSED event
then add the content to the new container.
pane.addEventListener(PaneEvent.CLOSED, function(event:PaneEvent):void { newContainer.addElement(pane); }) pane.closeFloatedPane(false);
Be sure to call closeFloatedPane() when moving a Pane to and from a float state to remove relevant listeners in both this control and any possible control bars. Do not simply remove the Pane from the displayList before calling closeFloatedPane().
Changing the Pane Before Animating In
To adjust the Pane before it animates in, listen for the READY_TO_ANIMATE event after calling floatPane(). When the event dispatches, the Pane's properties are set and the dimensions have been set. You should move the Pane at this point.
The above only applies if the Pane runs a float animation.
Passing Data
To pass data to a Pane, use the included DataPane class that implements IDataRenderer.
Window Chrome
Floated Panes support typical window chrome. You add/remove chrome by either (A) removing the skin part from the skin or (B) setting the relevant property on the Pane. For example, if you don't want the user to be able to close the Pane, either remove the "closeButtonPart" skin part or set the Pane's "canBeClosed" property to false. If "canBeClosed" is false, the Pane can still be closed programmatically, but the close skin part will not be displayed.
Window chrome is added as needed and therefore when a Pane is in its 'normal' state no window chrome is created. Do not hesitate to use a Pane as a simple container for memory or performance reasons because any memory costs are generally pay as you go.
Minimization, Maximization
By default, setting the minimized and maximized properties do not do anything. Either the skin must implement any visual changes or an external class must handle any changes. The minimize and maximize skin parts only change the minimized and maximized property values.
See the FloatPaneControlBar for a class that will automatically handle minimization and maximization.
Control Bar
Content can be added to the "controlBar" property in MXML. Similar to the Flex SDK Panel class.
Explicit min/max and width/height settings will be respected, but if these properties are not explicitly defined, the skin will control the min/max dimensions on resize.
Garbage Collection
To remove the Pane and make it eligible for garbage collection, call dispose(). It is not always necessary to call dispose() for a Pane to be gc'ed but it is considered best practices.
Animations & Effects
By default a hardwired Fade and Move effect runs when the Pane is floated. Developers must subclass the Pane class to alter the animation.
Accessibility & Focus
Panes function as a SkinnableContainer by default and when they are floated, they are focused and get their own FocusManager and tab list. Therefore, the window chrome is accessible via keyboard interaction.
Default Property
MXML child content is the default property.
Selected Custom Events
Dispatched when the Pane is docked to a Pane navigator.
Dispatched when a floated Pane is closed.
Dispatched when the Pane title changes.
Dispatched when the Pane icon changes.
Dispatched before a Pane drag begins. Can be cancelled.
Dispatched repeatedly when a Pane is being dragged.
Dispatched when a Pane drag ends.
Dispatched when the Pane is floated. Will bubble, so can be intercepted by
the systemManager.
Dispatched when the maximize property value changes.
Dispatched when the minimize property value changes.
Dispatched when a floating Pane is focused and activated by the Flex window
manager class.
Dispatched when a previously focused and active floating Pane loses focus
and is deactivated by the window manager.
Dispatched when the Pane is about to be animated in but its properties and
dimensions are set. Last chance to change position before animating in.
Themes & Skinning
Skins are provided for the Spark, London, and Stockholm themes.
See the Pane demo application for example code.
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