- Usage
- Using the Library
- Using the Themes
- Using the Demo App
- Components
- Accordion
- AnimatedImage
- AutoComplete
- AutoFitText
- BarCode
- BitmapAdjustments
- ButtonBar
- Calculator
- Calendar
- CarouselLayout
- CarouselList
- Clocks
- Colorizer
- ColorPicker
- ColorSpacePicker
- CompassContainer
- CoverflowLayout
- CoverflowList
- CursorManager
- DatePicker
- DockingCompassContainer
- Donut Chart
- ExpandingContainer
- FieldSet
- Filters
- FlexContextMenu
- FloatPaneControlBar
- Funnel Chart
- GraphicsEditor
- Heatmap
- HtmlDragDrop
- HtmlFrame
- HtmlGeolocation
- iCalendarParser
- iCalendarRecurrence
- IconButton
- Linear Gauges
- Magnifier
- Menu and MenuBar
- MiniViewport
- PackedLayout
- PackedList
- Pane
- PopUpButton
- ProgressDisplay
- Radar
- Radial Gauge
- Rating
- ReflectionContainer
- RichTextEditor
- RotaryField
- SafariMouseWheelFix
- Scroller
- Separators
- SliderField
- Sparklines
- TabPaneNavigator
- TextInput
- TimebarContainer
- Timeline
- TimeMachineLayout
- TimeMachineList
- TimePicker
- ToggleSwitchDesktop
- TransformContainer
- TreeMap
- ViewStack
- WheelList
List optimized for use with the CoverflowList class.
Using the CoverflowList Component
The list is navigated using typical Spark List methods. The list is scrolled along the x axis using the "horizontalScrollPosition" property of the viewport.
To jump to elements in the list, call centerIndex() with the desired element index.
Animations & Effects
Supports animation between elements. The "easer" and "duration" properties allow for customization of the animation. Set "duration" to 0 to skip the animation.
Mouse Wheel Support
By default, the mouse wheel supports scrolling between elements. To remove wheel scroll, add a high priority mouse wheel handler and stop the event from propagating.
The selected index can be updated via keyboard interaction. Up, down, left, right, home, and end are implemented.
Themes & Skinning
One skin is provided for the Spark theme.
See the CoverflowList demo application for example code.
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